df1 |
The subject-level enrollment and event data before enrollment completion. |
df2 |
The subject-level enrollment and event data after enrollment completion. |
dosing_schedule_df |
The dosing schedule data frame. |
f_cum_dose |
Cumulative Dose |
f_dispensing_models |
Drug Dispensing Model Fitting |
f_dose_draw |
Drug Dispensing Data Simulation |
f_dose_draw_1 |
Drug Dispensing Data Simulation for One Iteration |
f_dose_draw_t_1 |
Drug Dispensing Visit Dates Simulation for One Iteration |
f_dose_new_cpp |
Dosing Date Imputation for New Patients |
f_dose_observed |
Observed Drug Dispensing Data Summary |
f_dose_ongoing_cpp |
Dosing Date Imputation for Ongoing Patients |
f_dose_pp |
Drug Demand Per Protocol |
f_drug_demand |
Drug Demand Forecasting |
f_fit_di |
Model Fitting for Dispensed Doses |
f_fit_ki |
Model Fitting for Number of Skipped Visits |
f_fit_t0 |
Model Fitting for Dispensing Delay After Randomization |
f_fit_ti |
Model Fitting for Gap Times |
f_ongoing_new |
Observed Dosing for Ongoing and New Subjects |
kit_description_df |
The kit description data frame. |
rdirichlet |
Random Number Generator for the Dirichlet Distribution |
treatment_by_drug_df |
The data frame indicating the treatments associated with each drug. |
visitview1 |
The observed subject drug dispensing data before enrollment completion. |
visitview2 |
The observed subject drug dispensing data after enrollment completion. |