Efficient and Doubly Robust Population Size Estimation

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Documentation for package ‘drpop’ version 0.0.3

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informat A function to check whether a given data table/matrix/data frame is in the appropriate for drpop.
plotci Plot estimated confidence interval of total population size from object of class 'popsize' or 'popsize_cond'.
popsize Estimate total population size and capture probability using user provided set of models or user provided nuisance estimates.
popsize_cond Estimate total population size and capture probability using user provided set of models conditioned on an attribute.
popsize_simul Estimate the total population size and capture probabilities using perturbed true nuisance functions.
qhat_gam Estimate marginal and joint distribution of lists j and k using generalized additive models.
qhat_logit Estimate marginal and joint distribution of lists j and k using logistic regression.
qhat_mlogit Estimate marginal and joint distribution of lists j and k using multinomial logistic model.
qhat_ranger Estimate marginal and joint distribution of lists j and k using ranger.
qhat_rangerlogit Estimate marginal and joint distribution of lists j and k using ensemble of ranger and logit.
qhat_sl Estimate marginal and joint distribution of lists j and k using super learner.
reformat A function to reorder the columns of a data table/matrix/data frame and to change factor variables to numeric.
simuldata A function to reorder the columns of a data table/matrix/data frame and to change factor variables to numeric.
tmle Returns the targeted maximum likelihood estimates for the nuisance functions