drimmR-package {drimmR} | R Documentation |
This package performs the estimation, simulation and the exact computation of associated reliability measures of drifting Markov models (DMMs). These are particular non-homogeneous Markov chains for which the Markov transition matrix is a linear (polynomial) function of two (several) Markov transition matrices. Several statistical frameworks are taken into account (one or several samples, complete or incomplete samples, models of the same length). Computation of probabilities of appearance of a word along a sequence under a given model are also considered.
Maintainer: Nicolas Vergne nicolas.vergne@univ-rouen.fr
Vlad Stefan Barbu vladstefan.barbu@univ-rouen.fr
Corentin Lothode corentin.lothode@univ-rouen.fr
Alexandre Seiller
Other contributors:
Geoffray Brelurut [contributor]
Annthomy Gilles [contributor]
Arnaud Lefebvre [contributor]
Victor Mataigne [contributor]