Error Handling Made Easy

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Documentation for package ‘dreamerr’ version 1.4.0

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dreamerr-package Error Handling Made Easy
check_arg Checks arguments and informs the user appropriately
check_arg_plus Checks arguments and informs the user appropriately
check_expr Checks the evaluation of an expression
check_expr_hook Checks the evaluation of an expression
check_set_arg Checks arguments and informs the user appropriately
check_set_value Checks arguments and informs the user appropriately
check_value Checks arguments and informs the user appropriately
check_value_plus Checks arguments and informs the user appropriately
dreamerr Error Handling Made Easy
enumerate_items Enumerates the elements of a vector
fit_screen Nicely fits a message in the current R console
fsignif Formatting numbers with display of significant digits
generate_check_expr_hook Checks the evaluation of an expression
generate_get_hook Error displaying a call located at a hook location
generate_set_hook Error displaying a call located at a hook location
generate_stop_hook Error displaying a call located at a hook location
generate_warn_hook Error displaying a call located at a hook location
ifsingle Conditional element selection
ifunit Conditional element selection
n_letter Numbers in letters
n_th Numbers in letters
n_times Numbers in letters
package_stats Provides package statistics
plural Adds an s and/or a singular/plural verb depending on the argument's length
plural_len Adds an s and/or a singular/plural verb depending on the argument's length
setDreamerr_check Sets dreamerr argument checking functions on or off
setDreamerr_dev.mode Sets the developer mode to help form check_arg calls
setDreamerr_show_stack Settings telling whether or not to display the full call stack on errors
set_check Sets argument checking on/off "semi-globally"
set_hook Error displaying a call located at a hook location
set_up Sets "semi-globally" the 'up' argument of dreamerr's functions
sfill Fills a string vector with a symbol
signif_plus Formatting numbers with display of significant digits
stopi Stops (or warns in) sub-function execution
stop_hook Error displaying a call located at a hook location
stop_up Stops (or warns in) sub-function execution
suggest_item Suggest the the closest elements from a string vector
validate_dots Checks the arguments in dots from methods
warni Stops (or warns in) sub-function execution
warn_hook Error displaying a call located at a hook location
warn_up Stops (or warns in) sub-function execution