disfa {drclust} | R Documentation |
Disjoint Factor Analysis
Performs disjoint factor analysis, i.e., a Factor Analysis with a simple structure. In fact, each factor is defined by a disjoint subset of variables, resulting thus, in a simplified, easier to interpret loading matrix A and factors. Estimation is carried out via Maximum Likelihood.
disfa(X, Q, Rndstart, verbose, maxiter, tol, constr, prep, print)
X |
Units x variables numeric data matrix. |
Q |
Number of factors. |
Rndstart |
Number of runs to be performed (Defaults is 20). |
verbose |
Outputs basic summary statistics for each run (1 = enabled; 0 = disabled, default option). |
maxiter |
Maximum number of iterations allowed (if convergence is not yet reached. Default is 100). |
tol |
Tolerance threshold (maximum difference between the values of the objective function of two consecutive iterations such that convergence is assumed. Default is 1e-6). |
constr |
is a vector of length J = nr. of variables, pre-specifying to which cluster some of the variables must be assigned. Each component of the vector can assume integer values from 1 o Q (See example for more details), or 0 if no constraint on the variable is imposed (i.e., it will be assigned based on the plain algorithm). |
prep |
Pre-processing of the data. 1 performs the z-score transform (default choice); 2 performs the min-max transform; 0 leaves the data un-pre-processed. |
print |
Prints summary statistics of the performed method (1 = enabled; 0 = disabled, default option). |
returns a list of estimates and some descriptive quantities of the final results.
V |
Variables x factors membership matrix (binary and row-stochastic). Each row is a dummy variable indicating to which cluster each variable has been assigned. |
A |
Variables x components loading matrix. |
Psi |
Specific variance of each observed variable, not accounted for by the common factors (matrix). |
discrepancy |
Value of the objective function, to be minimized. Difference between the observed and estimated covariance matrices (scalar). |
Adjusted Root Mean Squared Error (scalar). |
Aikake Information Criterion (scalar). |
Bayesian Information Criterion (scalar). |
Goodness of Fit Index (scalar). |
Ionel Prunila, Maurizio Vichi
Vichi M. (2017) "Disjoint factor analysis with cross-loadings" <doi:10.1007/s11634-016-0263-9>
# Iris data
# Loading the numeric variables of iris data
iris <- as.matrix(iris[,-5])
# No constraint on variables
out <- disfa(iris, Q = 2)
# Constraint: the first two variables must contribute to the same factor.
outc <- disfa(iris, Q = 2, constr = c(1,1,0,0))