Simulates the data for ATE estimators |
ATEJLTZ runs the code for ATE estimator |
ATEOutput |
Computes linear, nonparametric and regularized ATE estimator |
ATETrueValue |
Calculates the true ATE effect. |
CovAdptRnd |
Generate treatment assignment under various CARs |
data_table |
Data used to reproduce Table 5 results in Jiang et. al. (2022) |
feasiblePostLassoMatTool |
Feasible Post Lasso Mat Tool |
FuncDGP |
Generate Data for LATE |
Reproduce the results of the Jiang et al. (2022) |
LinearLogit |
Linear Regression or Logit Regression |
LogisticReg |
Logistic Regression Function |
norminv |
Inverse of the normal cumulative distribution function (cdf) |
Output |
Computes All the Estimators |
pihat |
Compute Estimated Treatment Assignment Probabilities |
splinebasis |
For each column of an input matrix, elements which are less than the median of that column are set to 0, leaving the rest of the elements unchanged |
stanE |
Compute the Estimated Standard Error of the Input Estimator |
tau |
Compute Estimated LATE |
TrueValue |
Calculate the True LATE tau. |