addLm {dpseg}R Documentation

Adds linear regression data to dpseg results or a table of segment borders.


addLm takes a segment table (with start/end columns) or a result object from code dpseg, calls base R function lm for each segment, and adds slope, intercept, r2 and variance of residuals to the segment table. This data is required for plot and predict method, eg. when dpseg was called with a pre-calculated scoring matrix, or alternative scoring functions or recursion.


addLm(dpseg, x, y)



result object (class "dpseg") returned by function dpseg or simply a segment table with "start" and "end" indices


original x-data used


original y-data used


Returns the input dpseg object or segment table, but with original xy data and fit results from a linear regression with base R (lm(y~x)) added to the results and linear regression coefficient and goodness of fit meaurs in the main segments table.


## 1: run dpseg with store.matrix=TRUE to allow re-rung
segs <- dpseg(x=oddata$Time, y=log(oddata$A3), store.matrix=TRUE)

## 2: run dpseg with score function matrix input
segr <- dpseg(y=segs$SCR,  P=0.0001, verb=1)

## NOTE: only data indices i and j are provided in results

## 3: add original data and linear regression for segments
## NOTE: now also plot and predict methods work
segr <- addLm(segr, x=oddata$Time, y=log(oddata$A3))

[Package dpseg version 0.1.1 Index]