dppmix_mvnorm {dppmix}R Documentation

Fit a determinantal point process multivariate normal mixture model.


Discover clusters in multidimensional data using a multivariate normal mixture model with a determinantal point process prior.


  hparams = NULL,
  store = NULL,
  control = NULL,
  fixed = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE



N x J data matrix of N observations and J features


a list of hyperparameter values: delta, a0, b0, theta, sigma_prop_mu


a vector of character strings specifying additional vars of interest; a value of NA indicates that samples of all parameters in the model will be stored


a list of control parameters: niter, burnin, thin


a list of fixed parameter values


whether to emit verbose message


A determinantal point process (DPP) prior is a repulsive prior. Compare to mixture models using independent priors, a DPP mixutre model will often discover a parsimonious set of mixture components (clusters).

Model fitting is done by sampling parameters from the posterior distribution using a reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling approach.

Given X=[xi]X = [x_i], where each xix_i is a D-dimensional real vector, we seek the posterior distribution the latent variable z=[zi]z = [z_i], where each ziz_i is an integer representing cluster membership.

xiziNormal(μk,Σk) x_i \mid z_i \sim Normal(\mu_k, \Sigma_k)

ziCategorical(w) z_i \sim Categorical(w)

wDirichlet([δ...δ]) w \sim Dirichlet([\delta ... \delta])

μkDPP(C) \mu_k \sim DPP(C)

where CC is the covariance function that evaluates the distances among the data points:

C(x1,x2)=exp(d(x1x2)2θ2) C(x_1, x_2) = exp( - \sum_d \frac{ (x_1 - x_2)^2 }{ \theta^2 } )

We also define Σk=EkΛkEk\Sigma_k = E_k \Lambda_k E_k^\top, where EkE_k is an orthonormal matrix whose column represents eigenvectors. We further assume that Ek=EE_k = E is fixed across all cluster components so that EE can be estimated as the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix of the data matrix XX. Finally, we put a prior on the entries of the Λk\Lambda_k diagonal matrix:

λkd1Gamma(a0,b0) \lambda_{kd}^{-1} \sim Gamma( a_0, b_0 )

Hence, the hyperameters of the model include: delta, a0, b0, theta, as well as sampling hyperparameter sigma_pro_mu, which controls the spread of the Gaussian proposal distribution for the random-walk Metropolis-Hastings update of the μ\mu parameter.

The parameters (and their dimensions) in the model include: K, z (N x 1), w (K x 1), lambda (K x J), mu (K x J), Sigma (J x J x K). If any parameter is fixed, then K must be fixed as well.


a dppmix_mcmc object containing posterior samples of the parameters


Yanxun Xu, Peter Mueller, Donatello Telesca. Bayesian Inference for Latent Biologic Structure with Determinantal Point Processes. Biometrics. 2016;72(3):955-64.


ns <- c(3, 3)
means <- list(c(-6, -3), c(0, 4))
d <- rmvnorm_clusters(ns, means)

mcmc <- dppmix_mvnorm(d$X, verbose=FALSE)
res <- estimate(mcmc)
table(d$cl, res$z)

[Package dppmix version 0.1.1 Index]