Compute Statistics Helper Functions

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Documentation for package ‘dostats’ version 1.3.3

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%.% Nest functions
%contains% Does a table contain a value
.T create a text vector
capply Conditional Apply
class.stats Filter by class
collect collect results
compose Nest functions
composition Nest functions
contains Does a table contain a value
dostats Convenient interface for computing statistics on a vector
factor.stats Filter by class
fill_v Fill vector to length with a specified value
first Head/Tail shortcuts
integer.stats Filter by class
last Head/Tail shortcuts
listrows List rows of a data frame in a list.
make_call Make a call with extra arguments incorporated into call.
make_new_id Make a helper ID counter
me Return the current function
nest Nest functions
numeric.stats Filter by class
onarg change first argument of a function
pval Extract a p-value from a test result.
redirf Create a function that redirects to the named function.
seq_consecutive compute an indicator to group consecutive values
wargs Call with arguments