dosearch {dosearch}R Documentation

Identify a Causal Effect from Arbitrary Experiments And Observations


Identify a causal query from available data in a semi-Markovian causal model described by a graph that is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) or a labeled directed acyclic graph (LDAG). In a semi-Markovian causal model, each unobserved variable has exactly two children and they are denoted by bidirected edges. For DAGs, special mechanisms related to transportability of causal effects, recoverability from selection bias and identifiability under missing data can also be included. See 'Details' for the syntax of each argument. Note that all character type arguments are case-sensitive.

is_identifiable returns the a logical value describing the identifiability of a causal query of an object of class dosearch.

get_formula returns the identifying formula describing a causal query of an object of class dosearch. If no formula is available, returns NULL.

get_derivation returns the derivation of a causal query of an object of class dosearch. If no derivation is available, returns NULL.

get_benchmark returns the benchmarking information of an object of class dosearch. If no benchmark is available, returns NULL.


  transportability = NULL,
  selection_bias = NULL,
  missing_data = NULL,
  control = list()

## S3 method for class 'dosearch'
summary(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'dosearch'
plot(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'dosearch'
print(x, max_chars = 300L, ...)


get_formula(x, run_again = FALSE)

get_derivation(x, run_again = FALSE, draw_all = FALSE)

get_benchmark(x, run_again = FALSE, include_rules = FALSE)



A character string describing the available distributions in the package syntax. Alternatively, a list of character vectors.


A character string describing the target distribution in the package syntax. Alternatively, a character vector.


A character string describing either a DAG or an LDAG in the package syntax. Alternatively, an igraph graph as used in the causaleffect package or a DAG constructed using the dagitty package.


A character string describing the transportability nodes of the model in the package syntax (for DAGs only).


A character string describing the selection bias nodes of the model in the package syntax (for DAGs only).


A character string describing the missing data mechanisms of the model in the package syntax (for DAGs only).


A list of control parameters.


An object of class dosearch.


Additional arguments passed to base::format().


An object of class dosearch.


Maximum number of characters of the formula to display. The default is 300.


If TRUE, runs the search again in an attempt to obtain the formula, for example if control$formula was FALSE in the call to dosearch(), but the query itself is identifiable.


A logical value. If TRUE, the derivation will contain every step taken by the search. If FALSE, only steps that resulted in identification are returned.


A logical value. If TRUE, also benchmarks the time taken by each inference rule separately.


Argument data is used to list the available input distributions. When graph is a DAG the distributions should be of the form


Individual variables within sets should be separated by a comma. For example, three input distributions:

P(Zdo(X)),P(W,Ydo(Z,X)),P(W,Y,XZ)P(Z|do(X)), P(W,Y|do(Z,X)), P(W,Y,X|Z)

should be given as follows:

> data <- "
+  P(Z|do(X))
+  P(W,Y|do(Z,X))
+  P(W,Y,X|Z)

The use of multiple do-operators is not permitted. Furthermore, when both conditioning variables and a do-operator are present, every conditioning variable must either precede the do-operator or follow it. When graph is an LDAG, the do-operation is represented by an intervention node, i.e.,

P(Ydo(X),Z)=P(YX,Z,IX=1)P(Y|do(X),Z) = P(Y|X,Z,I_X = 1)

For example, in the case of the previous example in an LDAG, the three input distributions become:

> data <- "
+  P(Z|X,I_X = 1)
+  P(W,Y|Z,X,I_X=1,I_Z=1)
+  P(W,Y,X|Z)

The intervention nodes IXI_X and IZI_Z must be explicitly defined in the graph along with the relevant labels for the edges.

Argument query is the target distribution of the search. It has the same syntax as data, but only a single distribution should be given. Multiple simultaneous target distributions are not supported.

Argument graph is a description of a directed acyclic graph where directed edges are denoted by ⁠->⁠ and bidirected arcs corresponding to unobserved confounders are denoted by ⁠<->⁠ (or by ⁠--⁠). As an example, a DAG with two directed edges and one bidirected edge is constructed as follows:

> graph <- "
+  X -> Z
+  Z -> Y
+  X <-> Y

Some alternative formats for DAGs are supported as well. Graphs created using the igraph package in the causal.effect package syntax can be used for dosearch as well. DAGs created using the dagitty package are also supported. Note that both time and space complexity of the underlying search algorithm are exponential in the number of vertices, but instances with up to ten nodes are routinely solved in under a second.

LDAGs are constructed similarly with the addition of labels and with the omission bidirected edges (latent variables must be explicitly defined). As an example, an LDAG with two labeled edges can be constructed as follows:

> graph <- "
+  X -> Z : A = 0
+  Z -> Y : A = 1
+  A -> Z
+  A -> Y

Here the labels indicate that the edge from XX to ZZ vanishes when AA has the value 0 and the edge from ZZ to YY vanishes when AA has the value 1. Multiple labels on the same edge should be separated by a semi-colon, and individual assignments within each label should be separated by a comma.

Argument transportability enumerates the nodes that should be understood as transportability nodes responsible for discrepancies between domains. Individual variables should be separated by a comma. See e.g., (Bareinboim and Pearl, 2014) for details on transportability.

Argument selection_bias enumerates the nodes that should be understood as selection bias nodes responsible for bias in the input data sets. Individual variables should be separated by a comma. See e.g., (Bareinboim and Tian, 2015) for details on selection bias recoverability.

Argument missing_data enumerates the missingness mechanisms of the model. The syntax for a single mechanism is M_X : X where MX is the mechanism for XX. Individual mechanisms should be separated by a comma. Note that both MX and XX must be present in the graph if the corresponding mechanism is given as input. Proxy variables should not be included in the graph, since they are automatically generated based on missing_data. By default, a warning is issued if a proxy variable is present in an input distribution but its corresponding mechanism is not present in any input. See e.g., (Mohan, Pearl and Tian, 2013) for details on missing data as a causal inference problem. Note that dosearch is not complete for missing data problems, meaning that if dosearch is not able to identify the query, it might still be identifiable via some other means.

The control argument is a list that can supply any of the following components:


dosearch returns an object of class dosearch which is a list with the following components by default. See the control options on how to obtain a graphical representation of the derivation or how to benchmark the search.

summary returns a summary.dosearch object.

plot returns a htmlwidget object or NULL (invisibly)

print returns x invisibly.

is_identifiable returns a logical value. If TRUE, the target distribution was identifiable from the available inputs.

get_formula returns a character string representing the query in terms of the input data or NULL if the query is not identifiable.

get_derivation returns a graphical representation of the derivation steps that resulted in identification. The return object is a character string in DOT syntax.

get_benchmark returns a list with one or two elements or NULL. The first element of the list is always a numeric value of the total time taken by the search in milliseconds. The second is a numeric vector of the time taken by each inference rule (in the internal C++ implementation) of the search in milliseconds if include_rules is TRUE.


S. Tikka, A. Hyttinen, J. Karvanen. "Causal Effect Identification from Multiple Incomplete Data Sources: A General Search-based Approach." Journal of Statistical Software, 99(5):1–40, 2021.

E. Bareinboim, J. Pearl. "Transportability from Multiple Environments with Limited Experiments: Completeness Results." In Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 280–288, 2014.

E. Bareinboim, J. Tian. "Recovering Causal Effects from Selection Bias " In Proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 3475–3481, 2015.

K. Mohan, J. Pearl, J. Tian. "Graphical Models for Inference with Missing Data." In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 1277–1285, 2013.


# A simple back-door formula
data1 <- "P(x,y,z)"
query1 <- "P(y|do(x))"
graph1 <- "
  x -> y
  z -> x
  z -> y
dosearch(data1, query1, graph1)

# A simple front-door formula
data2 <- "P(x,y,z)"
query2 <- "P(y|do(x))"
graph2 <- "
  x -> z
  z -> y
  x <-> y
dosearch(data2, query2, graph2)

# A scenario with combined transportability and selection bias
# in this case using the search heuristic provides a simpler formula
data <- "
query <- "p(y|do(x))"
graph <- "
  x -> z
  z -> y
  x -> s
  t -> z
  x <-> y
  transportability = "t",
  selection_bias = "s",
  control = list(heuristic = TRUE, improve = FALSE)

# A simple case-control design
data <- "
graph <- "
  x -> y
  y -> r_y
  r_y -> r_x
md <- "r_x : x, r_y : y"
dosearch(data, query, graph, missing_data = md)

# Graph input using 'igraph' in the 'causaleffect' syntax
if (requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE)) {
  g_igraph <- igraph::graph.formula(
    x -+ z, z -+ y, x -+ y, y -+ x,
    simplify = FALSE
  g_igraph <- igraph::set.edge.attribute(g_igraph, "description", 3:4, "U")
  dosearch(data2, query2, g_igraph)

# Graph input with 'dagitty'
if (requireNamespace("dagitty", quietly = TRUE)) {
  g_dagitty <- dagitty::dagitty("dag{x -> z -> y; x <-> y}")
  dosearch(data2, query2, g_dagitty)

# Alternative distribution input style using lists and vectors:
# Each element of the list describes a single distribution
# Each element is a character vector that describes the role
# of each variable in the distribution as follows:
# For a variable V and a distribution P(A|do(B),C) we have
#   V = 0, if V is in A
#   V = 1, if V is in B
#   V = 2, if V is in C
data_alt <- list(
  c(x = 0, y = 0, z = 0) # = P(x,y,z)
query_alt <- c(x = 1, y = 0) # = P(y|do(x))
dosearch(data_alt, query_alt, graph2)

## Not run: 
# Additional examples
# Multiple input distributions (both observational and interventional)
data3 <- "
query3 <- "p(y,x_1|w,do(x_2))"
graph3 <- "
  x_1 -> z_2
  x_1 -> z_1
  x_2 -> z_1
  x_2 -> z_2
  z_1 -> y
  z_2 -> y
  x_1 -> w
  x_2 -> w
  z_1 -> w
  z_2 -> w
dosearch(data3, query3, graph3)

# Selection bias
data4 <- "
query4 <- "p(y|do(x))"
graph4 <- "
  x   -> z_1
  z_1 -> z_2
  x   -> y
  y   -- z_2
  z_2 -> s
dosearch(data4, query4, graph4, selection_bias = "s")

# Transportability
data5 <- "
query5 <- "p(y|do(x))"
graph5 <- "
  z_1 -> x
  x   -> z_2
  z_2 -> y
  z_1 <-> x
  z_1 <-> z_2
  z_1 <-> y
  t_1 -> z_1
  t_2 -> z_2
  t_3 -> y
dosearch(data5, query5, graph5, transportability = "t_1, t_2, t_3")

# Missing data
# Proxy variables are denoted by an asterisk (*)
data6 <- "
query6 <- "p(x,y,z)"
graph6 <- "
  z -> x
  x -> y
  x -> m_z
  y -> m_z
  y -> m_x
  z <-> y
dosearch(data6, query6, graph6, missing_data = "m_x : x, m_y : y, m_z : z")

data7 <- "P(X,Y,Z)"
query7 <- "P(Y|X,I_X=1)"
graph7 <- "
  X -> Y : Z = 1
  Z -> Y
  Z -> X : I_X = 1
  I_X -> X
  H -> X : I_X = 1
  H -> Z
  Q -> Z
  Q -> Y : Z = 0
dosearch(data7, query7, graph7)

# A more complicated LDAG
# with multiple assignments for the edge X -> Z

data8 <- "P(X,Y,Z,A,W)"
query8 <- "P(Y|X,I_X=1)"
graph8 <- "
  I_X -> X
  I_Z -> Z
  A -> W
  Z -> Y
  A -> Z
  X -> Z : I_Z = 1; A = 1
  X -> Y : A = 0
  W -> X : I_X = 1
  W -> Y : A = 0
  A -> Y
  U -> X : I_X = 1
  U -> Y : A = 1
dosearch(data8, query8, graph8)

# Export the DOT diagram of the derivation as an SVG file
# to the working directory via the DOT package.
# By default, only the identifying part is plotted.
# PostScript format is also supported.
if (requireNamespace("DOT", quietly = TRUE)) {
  d <- get_derivation(
    control = list(draw_derivation = TRUE)
  DOT::dot(d$derivation, "derivation.svg")

## End(Not run)

data <- "p(x,y,z)"
query <- "p(y|do(x))"
graph <- "
  x -> y
  Z -> x
  z -> y
x <- dosearch(data, query, graph)
y <- summary(x)

## Not run: 
out <- dosearch(
  "p(x,y,z, w)",
  "x -> y \n z -> x \n w -> z \n x <-> w \n w <-> y",
  control = list(draw_derivation = TRUE)
if (requireNamespace("DiagrammeR", quietly = TRUE)) {

## End(Not run)

data <- "p(x,y,z)"
query <- "p(y|do(x))"
graph <- "
  x -> z
  Z -> y
  x <-> y
x <- dosearch(data, query, graph)

data <- "P(x,y,z)"
query <- "P(y|do(x))"
graph <- "
  x -> y
  z -> x
  z -> y
x <- dosearch(data, query, graph)

data <- "P(x,y,z)"
query <- "P(y|do(x))"
graph <- "
  x -> y
  z -> x
  z -> y
x <- dosearch(data, query, graph, control = list(formula = FALSE))
get_formula(x, run_again = TRUE)

data <- "P(x,y,z)"
query <- "P(y|do(x))"
graph <- "
  x -> y
  z -> x
  z -> y
x <- dosearch(data, query, graph, control = list(draw_derivation = FALSE))
get_derivation(x, run_again = TRUE)
data <- "P(x,y,z)"
query <- "P(y|do(x))"
graph <- "
  x -> y
  z -> x
  z -> y
x <- dosearch(data, query, graph, control = list(benchmark = FALSE))
get_benchmark(x, run_again = TRUE)

[Package dosearch version 1.0.11 Index]