Designs for Order-of-Addition Experiments

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Documentation for package ‘doofa’ version 1.0

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bin binary representation of x (an element from 1 to m) with m components
coa construct a component orthogonal array with m components
cycle cycle elements of a vector by one element to right
doofa.pwo construct a design for order-of-addition experiment under pwo model with n runs and m components
gen.design2 Repeat the process of design generation using doofa.pwo several times and return the best design create an initial design of o-of-a with n rows and m columns
one create a matrix of 1s with t rows
pwo create PWO ordering of a given run of a design
revbin reverse of bin function i.e., returns which elements of a binary vector is 1
shuffle shuffle elements of a randomly chosen row of x matrix
swap swap elements at i and i+1 of a vector
vbin vectorized bin function
vrevbin vectorized revbin function