Analysis of Design of Experiments for Biological Research

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Documentation for package ‘doebioresearch’ version 0.1.0

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arcsineretransform Re-transform the Arc sine transformed data
arcsinetransform Arc sine transformation of the numeric vector
convert Convert the data frame into list of numeric nature
crd Analysis of Completely Randomized Design
factorialdata Data of Factorial Experiment
fcrd2fact Analysis of Factorial Completely Randomized Design for 2 factors
fcrd3fact Analysis of Factorial Completely Randomized Design for 3 factors
frbd2fact Analysis of Factorial Randomized Block Design for 2 factors
frbd3fact Analysis of Factorial Randomized Block Design for 3 factors
logretransform Re-transform the log transformed data
logtransform Log transformation of the numeric vector
lsd Analysis of Latin Square Design
lsddata Data for Latin Square Design
rcbd Analysis of Randomized Complete Block Design
splitdata Data for Split plot Design
splitplot Analysis of Split plot design
sqrtretransform Re-transform the square root transformed data
sqrttransform Square root transformation of the numeric vector
stripplot Analysis of Strip plot design
yieldconvert Convert the yield data of plot into different units