dodgr_isochrones {dodgr}R Documentation

Calculate isochrone contours from specified points.


Function is fully vectorized to calculate accept vectors of central points and vectors defining multiple isochrone thresholds.


dodgr_isochrones(graph, from = NULL, tlim = NULL, heap = "BHeap")



data.frame or equivalent object representing the network graph (see Notes)


Vector or matrix of points from which isochrones are to be calculated.


Vector of desired limits of isochrones in seconds


Type of heap to use in priority queue. Options include Fibonacci Heap (default; FHeap), Binary Heap (BHeap), Trinomial Heap (TriHeap), Extended Trinomial Heap (TriHeapExt, and 2-3 Heap (Heap23).


A single data.frame of isochrones as points sorted anticlockwise around each origin (from) point, with columns denoting the from points and tlim value(s). The isochrones are given as id values and associated coordinates of the series of points from each from point at the specified isochrone times.

Isochrones are calculated by default using parallel computation with the maximal number of available cores or threads. This number can be reduced by specifying a value via ⁠RcppParallel::setThreadOptions (numThreads = <desired_number>)⁠.


Isodists are calculated by default using parallel computation with the maximal number of available cores or threads. This number can be reduced by specifying a value via ⁠RcppParallel::setThreadOptions (numThreads = <desired_number>)⁠.

See Also

Other distances: dodgr_distances(), dodgr_dists_categorical(), dodgr_dists_nearest(), dodgr_dists(), dodgr_flows_aggregate(), dodgr_flows_disperse(), dodgr_flows_si(), dodgr_isodists(), dodgr_isoverts(), dodgr_paths(), dodgr_times()


## Not run: 
# Use osmdata package to extract 'SC'-format data:
library (osmdata)
dat <- opq ("hampi india") %>%
    add_osm_feature (key = "highway") %>%
    osmdata_sc ()
graph <- weight_streetnet (dat)
from <- sample (graph$.vx0, size = 100)
tlim <- c (5, 10, 20, 30, 60) * 60 # times in seconds
x <- dodgr_isochrones (graph, from = from, tlim)

## End(Not run)

[Package dodgr version 0.2.21 Index]