dodgr_contract_graph {dodgr}R Documentation

Contract graph to junction vertices only.


Removes redundant (straight-line) vertices from graph, leaving only junction vertices.


dodgr_contract_graph(graph, verts = NULL, nocache = FALSE)



A flat table of graph edges. Must contain columns labelled from and to, or start and stop. May also contain similarly labelled columns of spatial coordinates (for example from_x) or stop_lon).


Optional list of vertices to be retained as routing points. These must match the from and to columns of graph.


If FALSE (default), load cached version of contracted graph if previously calculated and cached. If TRUE, then re-contract graph even if previously calculated version has been stored in cache.


A contracted version of the original graph, containing the same number of columns, but with each row representing an edge between two junction vertices (or between the submitted verts, which may or may not be junctions).

See Also

Other modification: dodgr_components(), dodgr_uncontract_graph()


graph <- weight_streetnet (hampi)
nrow (graph) # 5,973
graph <- dodgr_contract_graph (graph)
nrow (graph) # 662

[Package dodgr version 0.4.1 Index]