param {docopulae}R Documentation

Parametric Model


param creates an initial parametric model object. Unlike other model statements this function does not perform any computation.


param(fisherIf, dDim)



function(x, ...), where x is a vector, usually a point from the design space. It shall evaluate to the Fisher information matrix.


length of x, usually the dimensionality of the design space.


param returns an object of class "param". An object of class "param" is a list containing at least the following components:

See Also

fisherI, update.param, Dsensitivity, getM, Defficiency



dfltNCube = nint_integrateNCube

## prepare for SparseGrid integration
ncube = function(dimension) {
    SparseGrid::createIntegrationGrid('GQU', dimension, 3)
ncube = nint_integrateNCube_SparseGrid(ncube)
unlockBinding('nint_integrateNCube', environment(nint_integrate))
assign('nint_integrateNCube', ncube, envir=environment(nint_integrate))

## general settings
numDeriv = FALSE

## build pdf, derivatives
etas = function(theta) with(theta, {
    xx = x^(0:4)
    c(c(beta1, beta2, beta3) %*% xx[c(1, 2, 3)], # x^c(0, 1, 2)
      c(beta4, beta5, beta6) %*% xx[c(2, 4, 5)]) # x^c(1, 3, 4)

copula = claytonCopula()
alphas = c('alpha')

parNames = c(paste('beta', 1:6, sep=''), alphas)

if (numDeriv) {
    margins = function(y, theta, ...) {
        e = etas(theta)
        cbind(dnorm(y, mean=e, sd=1), pnorm(y, mean=e, sd=1))
    f = buildf(margins, TRUE, copula, parNames=alphas)

    d2logf = numDeriv2Logf(f)

} else {
    es = list(
        eta1=quote(theta$beta1 + theta$beta2*theta$x + theta$beta3*theta$x^2),
        eta2=quote(theta$beta4*theta$x + theta$beta5*theta$x^3 + theta$beta6*theta$x^4))

    margins = list(list(pdf=substitute(dnorm(y[1], mean=eta1, sd=1), es),
                        cdf=substitute(pnorm(y[1], mean=eta1, sd=1), es)),
                   list(pdf=substitute(dnorm(y[2], mean=eta2, sd=1), es),
                        cdf=substitute(pnorm(y[2], mean=eta2, sd=1), es)))
    pn = as.list(alphas); names(pn) = alphas # map parameter to variable
    f = buildf(margins, TRUE, copula, parNames=pn)

    cat('building derivatives ...')
    tt = system.time(d2logf <- Deriv2Logf(f, parNames))


## param
model = function(theta) {
    integrand = function(y, theta, i, j)
        -d2logf(y, theta, i, j) * f(y, theta)

    yspace = nint_space(nint_intvDim(-Inf, Inf),
                        nint_intvDim(-Inf, Inf))

    fisherIf = function(x) {
        theta$x = x

        ## probability integral transform
        e = etas(theta)

        tt = nint_transform(integrand, yspace, list(list(
            g=function(y) pnorm(y, mean=e, sd=1),
            giDg=function(z) {
                t1 = qnorm(z, mean=e, sd=1)
                list(t1, dnorm(t1, mean=e, sd=1))

        fisherI(tt$f, theta, parNames, tt$space)

    return(param(fisherIf, 1))

theta = list(beta1=1, beta2=1, beta3=1,
             beta4=1, beta5=1, beta6=1,
             alpha=iTau(copula, 0.5), x=0)
m = model(theta)

## update.param
system.time(m <- update(m, matrix(seq(0, 1, length.out=101), ncol=1)))

## find D-optimal design
D = Dsensitivity(defaults=list(x=m$x, desx=m$x, mod=m))

d <- Wynn(D, 7.0007, maxIter=1e4)
d$tag$Wynn$tolBreak; plot(d, sensTol=7, main='d')

getM(m, d)

rd = reduce(d, 0.05)
cbind(x=rd$x, w=rd$w); plot(rd, main='rd')

try(getM(m, rd))
m2 = update(m, rd)
getM(m2, rd)

## find Ds-optimal design
s = c(alphas, 'beta1', 'beta2', 'beta3')
Ds = Dsensitivity(A=s, defaults=list(x=m$x, desx=m$x, mod=m))

ds <- Wynn(Ds, 4.0004, maxIter=1e4)
ds$tag$Wynn$tolBreak; plot(reduce(ds, 0.05), sensTol=4, main='ds')

## create custom design
n = 4
d2 = design(x=matrix(seq(0, 1, length.out=n), ncol=1), w=rep(1/n, n))

m = update(m, d2); plot(d2, sensx=d$x, sens=D(x=d$x, desx=d2$x, desw=d2$w, mod=m),
                sensTol=7, main='d2')

## compare designs
Defficiency(ds, d, m)
Defficiency(d, ds, m, A=s) # Ds-efficiency
Defficiency(d2, d, m)
Defficiency(d2, ds, m) # D-efficiency

## end with nice plot; plot(rd, main='rd')

assign('nint_integrateNCube', dfltNCube, envir=environment(nint_integrate))

[Package docopulae version 0.4.0 Index]