coef.regsdml {dmlalg}R Documentation

Accessing the coefficients of regsdml fits


This is a method for the class regsdml. It returns the estimated coefficients from objects of class regsdml, which typically result from a function call to regsdml.


## S3 method for class 'regsdml'
    print_regsDML = NULL,
    print_safety = NULL,
    print_DML = NULL,
    print_regDML = NULL,
    print_regDML_all_gamma = !is.null(parm),
    parm = NULL,
    print_gamma = FALSE, ...)



An object of class regsdml. This object usually results from a function call to regsdml.


A boolean. If TRUE, the results of the regsDML method are returned.


A boolean. If TRUE, the results of the safety device are returned.


A boolean. If TRUE, the results of the DML method are returned.


A boolean. If TRUE, the results of the regDML method with the optimal choice of gamma (including the factor a_N) are returned.


A boolean. If TRUE, the results specified by parm below are returned.


A vector containing the indices for which gamma-values the results of the regularized DML estimator, whose results are stored in the list regDML_all_gamma_statistics of object, should be included in the output. If parm is specified, it is not necessary to specify print_regDML_all_gamma.


A boolean. If TRUE, the gamma-values are printed in an extra row where the respective regularization methods achieved their optimum.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods.


Coefficients of the methods regsDML, the safety device, DML, regDML with the optimal choice of \gamma (including the factor a_N), and regDML with prespecified \gamma-values are returned by setting the respective arguments. It is possible to return the respective gamma-values.

If none of the printing arguments are set, only the results of regsDML are returned if they are available. If they are not available and none of the printing arguments are set, the results from all available methods are returned. If print_regsDML = FALSE, only the results from those methods are returned that are explicitly specified by the printing arguments.

See Also

regsdml, summary.regsdml, confint.regsdml, vcov.regsdml print.regsdml


## See example(regsdml) for examples

[Package dmlalg version 1.0.2 Index]