univar_numeric {dlookr}R Documentation

Statistic of univariate numerical variables


The univar_numeric() calculates statistic of numerical variables that is frequency table


univar_numeric(.data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
univar_numeric(.data, ...)



a data.frame or a tbl_df.


one or more unquoted expressions separated by commas. You can treat variable names like they are positions. Positive values select variables; negative values to drop variables. These arguments are automatically quoted and evaluated in a context where column names represent column positions. They support unquoting and splicing.


univar_numeric() calculates the popular statistics of numerical variables. If a specific variable name is not specified, statistics for all categorical numerical included in the data are calculated. The statistics obtained by univar_numeric() are part of those obtained by describe(). Therefore, it is recommended to use describe() to simply calculate statistics. However, if you want to visualize the distribution of individual variables, you should use univar_numeric().


An object of the class as individual variables based list. A component named "statistics" is a tibble object with the following statistics.:

Attributes of return object

Attributes of compare_category class is as follows.

See Also

summary.univar_numeric, print.univar_numeric, plot.univar_numeric.


# Calculates the all categorical variables
all_var <- univar_numeric(heartfailure)

# Print univar_numeric class object

# Calculates the platelets, sodium variable
univar_numeric(heartfailure, platelets, sodium)

# Summary the all case : Return a invisible copy of an object.
stat <- summary(all_var)

# Summary by returned object

# Statistics of numerical variables normalized by Min-Max method
summary(all_var, stand = "minmax")

# Statistics of numerical variables standardized by Z-score method
summary(all_var, stand = "zscore")

# one plot with all variables

# one plot with all normalized variables by Min-Max method
plot(all_var, stand = "minmax")

# one plot with all variables
plot(all_var, stand = "none")

# one plot with all robust standardized variables 
plot(all_var, viz = "boxplot")

# one plot with all standardized variables by Z-score method 
plot(all_var, viz = "boxplot", stand = "zscore")

# individual boxplot by variables
plot(all_var, indiv = TRUE, "boxplot")

# individual histogram by variables
plot(all_var, indiv = TRUE, "hist")

# individual histogram by robust standardized variable 
plot(all_var, indiv = TRUE, "hist", stand = "robust")

# plot all variables by prompt
plot(all_var, indiv = TRUE, "hist", prompt = TRUE)

[Package dlookr version 0.6.3 Index]