transformation_web_report {dlookr} | R Documentation |
Reporting the information of transformation with html
The transformation_web_report() report the information of transform numerical variables for object inheriting from data.frame.
target = NULL,
output_file = NULL,
output_dir = tempdir(),
browse = TRUE,
title = "Transformation",
subtitle = deparse(substitute(.data)),
author = "dlookr",
title_color = "gray",
logo_img = NULL,
create_date = Sys.time(),
theme = c("orange", "blue"),
sample_percent = 100,
base_family = NULL,
.data |
a data.frame or a |
target |
character. target variable. |
output_file |
name of generated file. default is NULL. |
output_dir |
name of directory to generate report file. default is tempdir(). |
browse |
logical. choose whether to output the report results to the browser. |
title |
character. title of report. default is "EDA Report". |
subtitle |
character. subtitle of report. default is name of data. |
author |
character. author of report. default is "dlookr". |
title_color |
character. color of title. default is "gray". |
logo_img |
character. name of logo image file on top left. |
create_date |
Date or POSIXct, character. The date on which the report is generated. The default value is the result of Sys.time(). |
theme |
character. name of theme for report. support "orange" and "blue". default is "orange". |
sample_percent |
numeric. Sample percent of data for performing EDA. It has a value between (0, 100]. 100 means all data, and 5 means 5% of sample data. This is useful for data with a large number of observations. |
base_family |
character. The name of the base font family to use for the visualization. If not specified, the font defined in dlookr is applied. (See details) |
... |
arguments to be passed to methods. |
Generate transformation reports automatically. This is useful for Binning a data frame with a large number of variables than data with a small number of variables.
No return value. This function only generates a report.
Reported information
The transformation process will report the following information:
Data Structures
Data Types
Job Informations
Missing Values
Resolving Skewness
Optimal Binning
The base_family is selected from "Roboto Condensed", "Liberation Sans Narrow", "NanumSquare", "Noto Sans Korean". If you want to use a different font, use it after loading the Google font with import_google_font().
if (FALSE) {
# create html file. file name is Transformation_Report.html
# file name is Transformation.html. and change logo image
logo <- file.path(system.file(package = "dlookr"), "report", "R_logo_html.svg")
transformation_web_report(heartfailure, logo_img = logo, title_color = "black",
output_file = "Transformation.html")
# file name is ./Transformation.html, "blue" theme and not browse
transformation_web_report(heartfailure, output_dir = ".", target = "death_event",
author = "Choonghyun Ryu", output_file = "Transformation.html",
theme = "blue", browse = FALSE)