Bayesian Treed Distributed Lag Models

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Documentation for package ‘dlmtree’ version 1.0.0

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adj_coexposure Adjusting for expected changes in co-exposure (TDLMM)
coExp Randomly sampled exposure from Colorado counties
combine.models Combines information from DLMs of single exposure
combine.models.tdlmm Combines information from DLMs of mixture exposures.
cppIntersection fast set intersection tool assumes sorted vectors A and B
dlmEst Calculates the distributed lag effect with DLM matrix for linear models.
dlmtree Fit tree structured distributed lag models
dlmtreeGPFixedGaussian dlmtree model with fixed Gaussian process approach
dlmtreeGPGaussian dlmtree model with Gaussian process approach
dlmtreeHDLMGaussian dlmtree model with shared HDLM approach
dlmtreeHDLMMGaussian dlmtree model with HDLMM approach
dlmtreeTDLMFixedGaussian dlmtree model with fixed Gaussian approach
dlmtreeTDLMNestedGaussian dlmtree model with nested Gaussian approach
dlmtreeTDLM_cpp dlmtree model with nested HDLM approach
dlnmEst Calculates the distributed lag effect with DLM matrix for non-linear models.
dlnmPLEst Calculates the distributed lag effect with DLM matrix for non-linear models.
drawTree Draws a new tree structure
estDLM Calculates subgroup-specific lag effects for heterogeneous models
exposureCov Exposure covariance structure
get_sbd_dlmtree Download simulated data for dlmtree articles
mixEst Calculates the lagged interaction effects with MIX matrix for linear models.
monotdlnm_Cpp dlmtree model with monotone tdlnm approach
pip Calculates posterior inclusion probabilities (PIPs) for modifiers in HDLM & HDLMM
plot.summary.monotone Returns variety of plots for model summary of class 'monotone'
plot.summary.tdlm Plots a distributed lag function for model summary of 'tdlm'
plot.summary.tdlmm Plots DLMMs for model summary of class 'tdlmm'
plot.summary.tdlnm Returns variety of plots for model summary of class 'tdlnm'
pm25Exposures PM2.5 Exposure data
ppRange Makes a 'pretty' output of a group of numbers
predict.hdlm Calculates predicted response for HDLM
predict.hdlmm Calculates predicted response for HDLMM
print.hdlm Print a hdlm Object
print.hdlmm Print a hdlmm Object
print.monotone Print a monotone Object
print.summary.hdlm Prints an overview with summary of model class 'hdlm'
print.summary.hdlmm Prints an overview with summary of model class 'hdlmm'
print.summary.monotone Prints an overview with summary of model class 'monotone'
print.summary.tdlm Prints an overview with summary of model class 'tdlm'
print.summary.tdlmm Prints an overview with summary of model class 'tdlmm'
print.summary.tdlnm Prints an overview with summary of model class 'tdlnm'
print.tdlm Print a tdlm Object
print.tdlmm Print a tdlmm Object
print.tdlnm Print a tdlnm Object
rcpp_pgdraw Multiple draw polya gamma latent variable for var c[i] with size b[i]
rtmvnorm Truncated multivariate normal sampler, mean mu, cov sigma, truncated (0, Inf)
ruleIdx Calculates the weights for each modifier rule
scaleModelMatrix Centers and scales a matrix
shiny shiny
shiny.hdlm Executes a 'shiny' app for HDLM.
shiny.hdlmm Executes a 'shiny' app for HDLMM.
sim.hdlmm Creates simulated data for HDLM & HDLMM
sim.tdlmm Creates simulated data for TDLM & TDLMM
sim.tdlnm Creates simulated data for TDLNM
splitPIP Calculates the posterior inclusion probability (PIP).
splitpoints Determines split points for continuous modifiers
summary.hdlm Creates a summary object of class 'hdlm'
summary.hdlmm Creates a summary object of class 'hdlmm'
summary.monotone Creates a summary object of class 'monotone'
summary.tdlm Creates a summary object of class 'tdlm'
summary.tdlmm Creates a summary object of class 'tdlmm'
summary.tdlnm Creates a summary object of class 'tdlnm'
tdlmm Treed Distributed Lag Mixture Models (Deprecated)
tdlmm_Cpp dlmtree model with tdlmm approach
tdlnm Treed Distributed Lag Non-Linear Models (Deprecated)
tdlnm_Cpp dlmtree model with tdlnm approach
zeroToInfNormCDF Integrates (0,inf) over multivariate normal
zinbCo Time-series exposure data for ZINB simulated data