bivalves {divvy} | R Documentation |
Paleobiology Database occurrences of Pliocene fossil bivalves
A dataset containing the (palaeo)coordinates and genus identifications of 8,000 marine bivalves from the Pliocene (ca. 5.3-2.6 Ma). Records with uncertain or unaccepted taxonomic names, non-marine palaeo-environments, or missing coordinates are excluded from the original download (24 June 2022).
A data frame with 8095 rows and 9 variables:
- genus
Latin genus identification. Subgenera are not elevated.
- paleolng, paleolat
Coordinates of an occurrence, rotated to its palaeogeographic location with the tectonic plate model of GPlates
- collection_no, reference_no
Unique identifiers for the collection and published reference containing the occurrence
- environment
One of 23 marine environment categories
- max_ma, min_ma
Bounds of the age estimate for an occurrence
- accepted_name
Original identification, including subgenus and species epithet if applicable, according to the latest PBDB accepted taxonomy at time of download