indices {divDyn}R Documentation

Scalar indices of diversity


This function includes some indices that characterize a species-abundance/occurrence distribution.


indices(x, samp = NULL, method = NULL)



either a character vector of occurrences or a table of counts (matrix).


(vector): Only applicable if x is vector of occurrence entries. The id of the sampling units. A necessary variable for SCOR.


(character): The type of metric that is to be calculated. The default value (NULL) will calculate all implemented metrics.


This set is not complete and does not intend to supercede additional R packages (e.g. vegan). However, some metrics are presented here as they are not implemented elsewhere or because they are invoked more frequently. The following entries can be added to the method argument of the function, which are also named accordingly in the output table/vector.

"richness": The number of sampled species.

"shannon": The Shannon entropy.

dom: The Berger-Parker dominance index, the proportion of occurrences in the time bin that belong to the most frequent taxon.

"hill2": The second order Hill number (Jost, 2006; q=2), which will be calculated by default. You can specify additional Hill numbers with adding "hillXX" to the method argument, such as "hill3" for (q=3). The first Hill number is defined as the exponentiad version of Shannon entropy (Eq. 3 in Jost, 2006).

"squares": The 'squares' richness estimator of J. Alroy (2018).

"chao2": The Chao2 estimator for incidence-based data.

"SCOR": The Sum Common Species Occurrence rate of Hannisdal et al. (2012). This method will only be calculated if the occurrence entries (vector) a collection vector is provided (see examples).


A named numeric vector.


Alroy, J. 2018. Limits to species richness in terrestrial communities. Ecology Letters.

Hannisdal, B., Henderiks, J., & Liow, L. H. (2012). Long-term evolutionary and ecological responses of calcifying phytoplankton to changes in atmospheric CO2. Global Change Biology, 18(12), 3504–3516.

Jost, L. (2006). Entropy and diversity. Oikos, 113, 363–375.


# the coral data

# Pleistocene subset
  plei <- corals[corals$stg==94,]

# calculate everything
  pleiIndex<-indices(plei$genus, plei$coll)

[Package divDyn version 0.8.2 Index]