diversity |
Calculate the diversity index |
div_add_median_label |
Adds a column with new labels (H)igh and (L) for a given colName (within a given grade and jobID) |
div_ci_median |
Function to calculate the confidence interval for the median |
div_conf_colour |
return a colour code given a number of stars for the confidence level of bias |
div_fake_team |
Generate randomly team-data |
div_gauge_plot |
Uses ggplot2 to produce a gauge plot in RAG colour |
div_parse_paygap |
Prepare the paygap matrix to be published in LaTeX |
div_paygap |
Function to calculate the paygap as a ratio. |
div_plot_paygap_distribution |
Produce a histogram and normal distribution |
div_round_paygap |
Rounds all numbers in the paygap data-frame |
print.paygap |
print the paygap object in the terminal |
summary.paygap |
Title |