Estimate and Manage Empirical Distributions

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Documentation for package ‘distrr’ version 0.0.6

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combn_char Generate all combinations of the elements of a character vector
dcc Data cube creation (dcc)
dcc2 Data cube creation (dcc)
dcc5 Data cube creation (dcc)
dcc6 Data cube creation
dcc6_fixed Data cube creation
distrr Estimate and manage empirical distributions
extract_unique Functions to be used in conjunction with 'dcc' family
extract_unique2 Functions to be used in conjunction with 'dcc' family
extract_unique3 Functions to be used in conjunction with 'dcc' family
extract_unique4 Functions to be used in conjunction with 'dcc' family
extract_unique5 Functions to be used in conjunction with 'dcc' family
Fhat_conditional_ Weighted empirical cumulative distribution function (ecdf), conditional on one or more variables
Fhat_df_ Weighted empirical cumulative distribution function (data frame version)
invented_wages Invented dataset with wages of men and women.
jointfun_ A minimal function which counts the number of observations by groups in a data frame
only_joint Keeps only joint distribution (removes '.total').
wq Empirical weighted quantile