plot_dist {distreg.vis}R Documentation

Plot predicted distributional regression models


This function plots the parameters of a predicted distribution (e.g. obtained through preds) with ggplot2. You can use all supported distributional regression model classes (check details of distreg_checker) as well as all supported distributional families (available at dists).


  pred_params = NULL,
  palette = "viridis",
  type = "pdf",
  rug = FALSE,
  vary_by = NULL,
  newdata = NULL



A fitted distributional regression model object. Check distreg_checker to see which classes are supported.


A data.frame with rows for every model prediction and columns for every predicted parameter of the distribution. Is easily obtained with the distreg.vis function preds.


The colour palette used for colouring the plot. You can use any of the ones supplied in scale_fill_brewer though I suggest you use one of the qualitative ones: Accent, Dark2, etc. Since 0.5.0 "viridis" is included, to account for colour blindness.


Do you want the probability distribution function ("pdf") or the cumulative distribution function ("cdf")?


If TRUE, creates a rug plot


Variable name in character form over which to vary the mean/reference values of explanatory variables. It is passed to set_mean. See that documentation for further details.


A data.frame object being passed onto preds. You can do this if you don't want to specify the argument pred_params directly. If you specify newdata, then preds(model, newdata = newdata) is going to be executed to be used as pred_params.


To get a feel for the predicted distributions and their differences, it is best to visualize them. In combination with the obtained parameters from preds, the function plot_dist() looks for the necessary distribution functions (probability density function or cumulative distribution function) from the respective packages and then displays them graphically.

After plot_dist() has received all necessary arguments, it executes validity checks to ensure the argument's correct specification. This includes controlling for the correct model class, checking whether the distributional family can be used safely and whether cdf or pdf functions for the modeled distribution are present and ready to be graphically displayed. If this is the case, the internal fam_fun_getter is used to create a list with two functions pointing to the correct pdf and cdf functions in either the gamlss or bamlss namespace. The functions for betareg are stored in distreg.vis.

Following a successful calculation of the plot limits, the graph itself can be created. Internally, distreg.vis divides between continuous, discrete and categorical distributions. Continuous distributions are displayed as filled line plots, while discrete and categorical distributions take bar graph shapes.

For plotting, distreg.vis relies on the ggplot2 package (Wickham 2016). After an empty graph is constructed, the previously obtained cdf or pdf functions are evaluated for each predicted parameter combination and all values inside the calculated plot limits.


A ggplot2 object.


Wickham H (2016). ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. Springer-Verlag New York. ISBN 978-3-319-24277-4.


# Generating data
data_fam <- model_fam_data(fam_name = "BE")

# Fit model
beta_model <- gamlss(BE ~ norm2 + binomial1,
  data = data_fam, family = BE())

# Obtains all explanatory variables and set them to the mean, varying by binomial1
# (do this if you do not want to specify ndata of preds by yourself)
ndata <- set_mean(model_data(beta_model), vary_by = "binomial1")

# Obtain predicted parameters
param_preds <- preds(beta_model, newdata = ndata)

# Create pdf, cdf plots
plot_dist(beta_model, param_preds, rug = TRUE)
plot_dist(beta_model, param_preds, type = "cdf")
plot_dist(beta_model, param_preds, palette = 'default')

# You can also let plot_dist do the step of predicting parameters of the mean explanatory variables:
plot_dist(beta_model, pred_params = NULL, vary_by = 'binomial1')

[Package distreg.vis version 1.7.5 Index]