Beta-class {distr}R Documentation

Class "Beta"


The Beta distribution with parameters shape1 =a= a and shape2 =b= b has density

f(x)=Γ(a+b)Γ(a)Γ(b)xa1(1x)b1f(x)=\frac{\Gamma(a+b)}{\Gamma(a)\Gamma(b)}{x}^{a-1} {(1-x)}^{b-1}%

for a>0a > 0, b>0b > 0 and 0x10 \le x \le 1 where the boundary values at x=0x=0 or x=1x=1 are defined as by continuity (as limits).

Ad hoc methods

For R Version <2.3.0 ad hoc methods are provided for slots q, r if ncp!=0; for R Version >=2.3.0 the methods from package stats are used.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form Beta(shape1, shape2). This object is a beta distribution.



Object of class "Reals": The space of the image of this distribution has got dimension 1 and the name "Real Space".


Object of class "BetaParameter": the parameter of this distribution (shape1 and shape2), declared at its instantiation


Object of class "function": generates random numbers (calls function rbeta)


Object of class "function": density function (calls function dbeta)


Object of class "function": cumulative function (calls function pbeta)


Object of class "function": inverse of the cumulative function (calls function qbeta)


logical: used internally to issue warnings as to interpretation of arithmetics


logical: used internally to issue warnings as to accuracy


logical: used internally to flag the case where there are explicit formulae for the log version of density, cdf, and quantile function


logical: used internally to flag the case where there are explicit formulae for the lower tail version of cdf and quantile function


object of class "DistributionSymmetry"; used internally to avoid unnecessary calculations.


Class "AbscontDistribution", directly.
Class "UnivariateDistribution", by class "AbscontDistribution".
Class "Distribution", by class "AbscontDistribution".



signature(.Object = "Beta"): initialize method


signature(object = "Beta"): returns the slot shape1 of the parameter of the distribution


signature(object = "Beta"): modifies the slot shape1 of the parameter of the distribution


signature(object = "Beta"): returns the slot shape2 of the parameter of the distribution


signature(object = "Beta"): modifies the slot shape2 of the parameter of the distribution


signature(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "Beta") if ncp(e2)==0 and e1 == 1, an exact (central) Beta(shape1 = shape2(e2), shape2 = shape1(e2)) is returned, else the default method is used; exact


The non-central Beta distribution is defined (Johnson et al, 1995, pp. 502) as the distribution of X/(X+Y)X/(X+Y) where Xχ2a2(λ)X \sim \chi^2_{2a}(\lambda) and Yχ2b2Y \sim \chi^2_{2b}. C.f. rbeta


Thomas Stabla,
Florian Camphausen,
Peter Ruckdeschel,
Matthias Kohl

See Also

BetaParameter-class AbscontDistribution-class Reals-class rbeta


B <- Beta(shape1 = 1, shape2 = 1)
# B is a beta distribution with shape1 = 1 and shape2 = 1.
r(B)(1) # one random number generated from this distribution, e.g. 0.6979795
d(B)(1) # Density of this distribution is 1 for x=1.
p(B)(1) # Probability that x < 1 is 1.
q(B)(.1) # Probability that x < 0.1 is 0.1.
shape1(B) # shape1 of this distribution is 1.
shape1(B) <- 2 # shape1 of this distribution is now 2.
Bn <- Beta(shape1 = 1, shape2 = 3, ncp = 5) 
# Bn is a beta distribution with shape1 = 1 and shape2 = 3 and ncp = 5.
B0 <- Bn; ncp(B0) <- 0; 
# B0 is just the same beta distribution as Bn but with ncp = 0
q(B0)(0.1) ## 
q(Bn)(0.1) ## => from R 2.3.0 on ncp no longer ignored...
## in RStudio or Jupyter IRKernel, use q.l(.)(.) instead of q(.)(.)

[Package distr version 2.9.3 Index]