glm.poisson.disp {dispmod}R Documentation

Overdispersed Poisson log-linear models


This function estimates overdispersed Poisson log-linear models using the approach discussed by Breslow N.E. (1984).


glm.poisson.disp(object, maxit = 30, verbose = TRUE)



an object of class "glm" providing a fitted Poisson log-linear regression model; see glm.


integer giving the maximal number of iterations for the model fitting procedure.


logical, if TRUE information are printed during each step of the algorithm.


Breslow (1984) proposed an iterative algorithm for fitting overdispersed Poisson log-linear models. The method is similar to that proposed by Williams (1982) for handling overdispersion in logistic regression models (see glm.binomial.disp).

Suppose we observe nn independent responses such that

yiλiPoisson(λini)y_i \mid \lambda_i \sim \mathrm{Poisson}(\lambda_in_i)

for i=1,,ni = 1, \ldots, n. The response variable yiy_i may be an event counts variable observed over a period of time (or in the space) of length nin_i, whereas λi\lambda_i is the rate parameter. Then,

E(yiλi)=μi=λini=exp(log(ni)+log(λi))E(y_i \mid \lambda_i) = \mu_i = \lambda_i n_i = \exp(\log(n_i) + \log(\lambda_i))

where log(ni)\log(n_i) is an offset and log(λi)=βxi\log(\lambda_i) = \beta'x_i expresses the dependence of the Poisson rate parameter on a set of, say pp, predictors. If the periods of time are all of the same length, we can set ni=1n_i = 1 for all ii so the offset is zero.

The Poisson distribution has E(yiλi)=V(yiλi)E(y_i \mid \lambda_i) = V(y_i \mid \lambda_i), but it may happen that the actual variance exceeds the nominal variance under the assumed probability model.

Suppose that θi=λini\theta_i = \lambda_i n_i is a random variable distributed according to

θiGamma(μi,1/ϕ)\theta_i \sim \mathrm{Gamma} (\mu_i, 1/\phi)

where E(θi)=μiE(\theta_i) = \mu_i and V(θi)=μi2ϕV(\theta_i) = \mu_i^2 \phi. Thus, it can be shown that the unconditional mean and variance of yiy_i are given by

E(yi)=μiE(y_i) = \mu_i


V(yi)=μi+μi2ϕ=μi(1+μiϕ)V(y_i) = \mu_i + \mu_i^2 \phi = \mu_i (1 + \mu_i\phi)

Hence, for ϕ>0\phi > 0 we have overdispersion. It is interesting to note that the same mean and variance arise also if we assume a negative binomial distribution for the response variable.

The method proposed by Breslow uses an iterative algorithm for estimating the dispersion parameter ϕ\phi and hence the necessary weights 1/(1+μiϕ^)1/(1 + \mu_i \hat{\phi}) (for details see Breslow, 1984).


The function returns an object of class "glm" with the usual information and the added components:


the estimated dispersion parameter.


the final weights used to fit the model.


Based on a similar procedure available in Arc (Cook and Weisberg,


Breslow, N.E. (1984), Extra-Poisson variation in log-linear models, Applied Statistics, 33, 38–44.

See Also

lm, glm, lm.disp, glm.binomial.disp


## Salmonella TA98 data
salmonellaTA98 <- within(salmonellaTA98, logx10 <- log(x+10))
mod <- glm(y ~ logx10 + x, data = salmonellaTA98, family = poisson(log)) 

mod.disp <- glm.poisson.disp(mod)

# compute predictions on a grid of x-values...
x0 <- with(salmonellaTA98, seq(min(x), max(x), length=50))
eta0 <- predict(mod, newdata = data.frame(logx10 = log(x0+10), x = x0), se=TRUE)
eta0.disp <- predict(mod.disp, newdata = data.frame(logx10 = log(x0+10), x = x0), se=TRUE)
# ... and plot the mean functions with variability bands
plot(y ~ x, data = salmonellaTA98)
lines(x0, exp(eta0$fit))
lines(x0, exp(eta0$fit+2*eta0$se), lty=2)
lines(x0, exp(eta0$fit-2*eta0$se), lty=2)
lines(x0, exp(eta0.disp$fit), col=3)
lines(x0, exp(eta0.disp$fit+2*eta0.disp$se), lty=2, col=3)
lines(x0, exp(eta0.disp$fit-2*eta0.disp$se), lty=2, col=3)

## Holford's data

mod <- glm(incid ~ offset(log(pop)) + Age + Cohort, data = holford, 
           family = poisson(log)) 

mod.disp <- glm.poisson.disp(mod)

[Package dispmod version 1.2 Index]