Non-Ordered Vectors

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Documentation for package ‘disordR’ version 0.9-8.2

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A C D E H I L M N P R S U V W misc

-- A --

accessors Functionality for 'disord' objects
allsame Drop redundant information
any_compare_disord Methods for comparison of 'disord' objects
any_logic_disord Logical operations
Arith Arithmetic operations
Arith-method Extraction and replacement methods for class '"disord"'
as.character-method Miscellaneous functions
as.complex-method Miscellaneous functions
as.double-method Miscellaneous functions
as.list-method Miscellaneous functions
as.logical-method Miscellaneous functions
as.numeric-method Miscellaneous functions
as_disord Functionality for 'disord' objects

-- C --

c Concatenation
c-method Concatenation
c.disord Concatenation
check_matching_hash Check for consistency
Compare-method Methods for comparison of 'disord' objects
Compare-methods Methods for comparison of 'disord' objects
consistent Check for consistency

-- D --

diff Miscellaneous functions
disindex Experimental class '"disindex"'
disindex-class Experimental class '"disindex"'
disindex_show Arithmetic operations
disord Functionality for 'disord' objects
disord-class Class '"disord"'
disord<- Functionality for 'disord' objects
disord_arith_disord Arithmetic operations
disord_arith_numeric Arithmetic operations
disord_arith_unary Arithmetic operations
disord_compare_any Methods for comparison of 'disord' objects
disord_compare_disord Methods for comparison of 'disord' objects
disord_inverse Arithmetic operations
disord_logic Logical operations
disord_logical_negate Logical operations
disord_logic_any Logical operations
disord_logic_disord Logical operations
disord_logic_missing Logical operations
disord_logic_unary Logical operations
disord_mod_disord Arithmetic operations
disord_mod_numeric Arithmetic operations
disord_negative Arithmetic operations
disord_plus_disord Arithmetic operations
disord_plus_numeric Arithmetic operations
disord_positive Arithmetic operations
disord_power_disord Arithmetic operations
disord_power_numeric Arithmetic operations
disord_prod_disord Arithmetic operations
disord_prod_numeric Arithmetic operations
disord_show Print method for disord objects
disord_unary Arithmetic operations
drop Drop redundant information
drop-method Drop redundant information

-- E --

elements Functionality for 'disord' objects
extract Extraction and replacement methods for class '"disord"'

-- H --

hash Functionality for 'disord' objects
hashcal Functionality for 'disord' objects

-- I --

index-class Extraction and replacement methods for class '"disord"'
is.consistent Check for consistency
is.disord Functionality for 'disord' objects Miscellaneous functions Miscellaneous functions Miscellaneous functions<- Miscellaneous functions<--method Miscellaneous functions<-.disord Miscellaneous functions

-- L --

lapply Miscellaneous functions
lapply-method Miscellaneous functions
lapply.disord Miscellaneous functions
length Miscellaneous functions
length-method Miscellaneous functions
length.disindex Miscellaneous functions
length.disord Miscellaneous functions
length<- Miscellaneous functions
length<--method Miscellaneous functions
length<-.disord Miscellaneous functions
Logic Logical operations

-- M --

match Miscellaneous functions
match-method Miscellaneous functions
misc Miscellaneous functions

-- N --

numeric_arith_disord Arithmetic operations
numeric_mod_disord Arithmetic operations
numeric_power_disord Arithmetic operations

-- P --

print Print method for disord objects
print-method Print method for disord objects
print.disord Print method for disord objects
print.summary.disord Summaries of disord objects

-- R --

rdis Random disord objects
rdisord Random disord objects
rdisordR Random disord objects
rev Miscellaneous functions
rev-method Miscellaneous functions
rev.disord Miscellaneous functions

-- S --

sapply Miscellaneous functions
sapply-method Miscellaneous functions
sapply.disord Miscellaneous functions
show Print method for disord objects
show-method Print method for disord objects
sort Miscellaneous functions
sort-method Miscellaneous functions
sort.disord Miscellaneous functions
summary-method Summaries of disord objects
summary.disord Summaries of disord objects
summary.disordR Summaries of disord objects

-- U --

unlist Miscellaneous functions
unlist-method Miscellaneous functions

-- V --

values Experimental class '"disindex"'

-- W --

which-method Miscellaneous functions

-- misc --

!-method Miscellaneous functions
%in% Miscellaneous functions
%in%-method Miscellaneous functions
%~% Check for consistency
[ Extraction and replacement methods for class '"disord"'
[-method Extraction and replacement methods for class '"disord"'
[.disord Extraction and replacement methods for class '"disord"'
[<- Extraction and replacement methods for class '"disord"'
[<--method Extraction and replacement methods for class '"disord"'
[<-.disord Extraction and replacement methods for class '"disord"'
[[ Extraction and replacement methods for class '"disord"'
[[-method Extraction and replacement methods for class '"disord"'
[[<--method Extraction and replacement methods for class '"disord"'