FeatureHandler {diseasystore}R Documentation



This FeatureHandler R6 handles individual features for the feature stores. They define the three methods associated with features (compute, get and key_join).


A new instance of the FeatureHandler R6 class.

Active bindings


A function of the form "function(start_date, end_date, slice_ts, source_conn)". This function should compute the feature from the source connection.


A function of the form "function(target_table, slice_ts, target_conn)". This function should retrieve the computed feature from the target connection.


One of the aggregators from aggregators.


Public methods

Method new()

Creates a new instance of the FeatureHandler R6 class.

FeatureHandler$new(compute = NULL, get = NULL, key_join = NULL)

A function of the form "function(start_date, end_date, slice_ts, source_conn)". This function should return a data.frame with the computed feature (computed from the source connection). The data.frame should contain the following columns:

  • key_*: One (or more) columns containing keys to link this feature with other features

  • *: One (or more) columns containing the features that are computed

  • valid_from, valid_until: A set of columns containing the time period for which this feature information is valid.


(Optional). A function of the form "function(target_table, slice_ts, target_conn)". This function should retrieve the computed feature from the target connection.


A function like one of the aggregators from aggregators().

The function should return an expression on the form: dplyr::summarise(.data, dplyr::across(.cols = tidyselect::all_of(feature), .fns = list(n = ~ aggregation function), .names = "{.fn}"), .groups = "drop")


A new instance of the FeatureHandler R6 class.

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.

FeatureHandler$clone(deep = FALSE)

Whether to make a deep clone.


  # The FeatureHandler is typically configured as part of making a new Diseasystore.
  # Most often, we need only specify `compute` and `key_join` to get a functioning FeatureHandler

  # In this example we use mtcars as the basis for our features
  conn <- SCDB::get_connection(drv = RSQLite::SQLite())

  # We use mtcars as our basis. First we add the rownames as an actual column
  data <- dplyr::mutate(mtcars, key_name = rownames(mtcars), .before = dplyr::everything())

  # Then we add some imaginary times where these cars were produced
  data <- dplyr::mutate(data,
                        production_start = as.Date(Sys.Date()) + floor(runif(nrow(mtcars)) * 100),
                        production_end   = production_start + floor(runif(nrow(mtcars)) * 365))

  dplyr::copy_to(conn, data, "mtcars")

  # In this example, the feature we want is the "maximum miles per gallon"
  # The feature in question in the mtcars data set is then "mpg" and when we need to reduce
  # our data set, we want to use the "max()" function.

  # We first write a compute function for the mpg in our modified mtcars data set
  # Our goal is to get the mpg of all cars that were in production at the between start/end_date
  compute_mpg <- function(start_date, end_date, slice_ts, source_conn) {
    out <- SCDB::get_table(source_conn, "mtcars", slice_ts = slice_ts) |>
      dplyr::filter({{ start_date }} <= .data$production_end,
                    .data$production_start <= {{ end_date }}) |>
      dplyr::transmute("key_name", "mpg",
                       "valid_from" = "production_start",
                       "valid_until" = "production_end")


  # We can now combine into our FeatureHandler
  fh_max_mpg <- FeatureHandler$new(compute = compute_mpg, key_join = key_join_max)


[Package diseasystore version 0.2.2 Index]