mc_attitudes {discrtr} | R Documentation |
McMaster Attitudes Data Set.
A data set containing information about students commuting to McMaster University. Data were collected by means of a travel survey in the fall of 2010. Respondents were asked about their mode of travel to McMaster University, in Hamilton, Canada. They were also asked to respond to a series of attitudinal statements. The data set contains relevant attributes about the respondents. The format of the table is wide, with each row representing an individual respondent. These variables were augmented with information from the 2011 Census of Canada and land use information from local sources.
A data frame with 1230 rows and 39 variables:
- id
Unique identifier for respondents
- choice
Mode of transportation chosen: Car, HSR (local transit), Walk
Latitude of the place or residence, geocoded at the nearest major intersection or centroid of 6-digit postal area
Longitude of the place or residence, geocoded at the nearest major intersection or centroid of 6-digit postal area
- license
Indicator variable for holding a driver license: Yes/No
- vehicle
Indicator variable for having individual access to a private car (i.e., car not shared with other household members): Yes/No
- gender
- age
Age in years
- visa
Visa status of student: Domestic
- living_arrangements
Living arrangements DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR are: 1:Living with my family or relatives/By myself off-campus/Shared off-campus accommodations
- level
Level of studies: Undergraduate Year I (UG I)/Undergraduate Year II (UG I)/Undergraduate Year III (UG III)/Undergraduate Year IV (UG IV)/Undergraduate Year V (UG V)/Masters/PhD/Other (Diploma or Certificate)
- Active_Neighborhood
Response to statement "I like to live in a neighborhood where there's a lot going on": Five point likert scale from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree, including a neutral point
- Community
Response to statement "There is a sense of community in my neighborhood": Five point likert scale from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree, including a neutral point
- Neighbors
Response to statement "I know my neighbors well": Five point likert scale from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree, including a neutral point
- Safe_Walk
Response to statement "I feel safe and secure when walking in my neighborhood": Five point likert scale from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree, including a neutral point
- Shops_Important
Response to statement "Having shops and services within walking distance of my home is important to me": Five point likert scale from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree, including a neutral point
- Travel_Alone
Response to statement "I like traveling alone": Five point likert scale from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree, including a neutral point
Unique ID of Dissemination Area of the Census
- Rate_Couple_Child
Proportion of families that are couples with children out of all families in Dissemination Area
- Rate_SW_Child
Proportion of families that are single parent (woman) with children out of all families in Dissemination Area
- Rate_SM_Child
Proportion of families that are single parent (man) with children out of all families in Dissemination Area
- Mean_Children
Average number of children at home per census family in Dissemination Area
- Rate_Non_Canadian
Proportion of non-Canadian residents to total population in Dissemination Area
- Median_HH_Income
Median family income in Dissemination Area in $10,000
- Mean_HH_Income
Mean family income in Dissemination Area in $10,000
- Rate_Unemployment
Unemployment rate in Dissemination Area
- Rate_1yr_Move
Proportion of residents that moved to Dissemination Area in the year previous to the census
- Rate_5yr_Move
Proportion of residents that moved to Dissemination Area in the 5 years previous to the census
- Rate_Public
Proportion of residents in Dissemination Area that used public transportation to commute to work
- Rate_Walk
Proportion of residents in Dissemination Area that walked to work
- Rate_Cycle
Proportion of residents in Dissemination Area that cycled to work
Area of Dissemination Area in square kilometers
Entropy-based land use mix index in Dissemination Area: lower values mean more homogenous land uses, higher values greater mix of uses
Sidewalk density in Dissemination Area in km/
Street density in Dissemination Area in km/
Intersection density in Dissemination Area in 1/
Ratio of building footprint to parcel area in Dissemination Area: a measure of density of development
Employment density in Dissemination Area in jobs/
Population density in Dissemination Area in people/
P\'aez, A. (2013). Mapping travelers’ attitudes: does space matter?. Journal of Transport Geography, 26, 117-125. (