Fourier Analysis of Discharge Data

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Documentation for package ‘discharge’ version 1.0.0

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allstats Calculate all characteristic stats for a site
annualExtremes Calculate annual extreme flows.
annualnoise Annual noise color
assert.equal.length Check for equal length inputs
assert.for.year Check 'for.year' argument
assert.numeric.vector Check for numeric vector
asStreamflow Create streamflow object
circ.s Estimate directional statistics for one-sigma events
compare.periods Compare residual variability across time periods
etowah Etowah River Data
fftmetrics Summary of spectral anomolies for a specified year.
fft_metrics Discrete Fourier Transform Metrics
filterBaseline Filter the baseline signal for a given time window
findMed Find median value
fourierAnalysis Extract seasonal signal from time series
getFPExt Flood Pulse Extent (FPExt)
getHSAF High Spectral Anomaly Frequency (HSAF)
getHSAM High Spectral Anomaly Mangitude (HSAM)
getIDI Inter-Draught Interval (IDI)
getIFI Inter-Flood Interval (IFI)
getLSAF Low Spectral Anomaly Frequency (LSAF)
getLSAM Low Spectral Anomaly Mangitude (LSAM)
getNAA Net Annual Anomaly (NAA)
getSignalParts Signal parts
getTimingHSAM Time of occurence of High Spectral Anomaly Magnitude (HSAM)
getTimingLSAM Time of occurence of Low Spectral Anomaly Magnitude (LSAM)
getTransitionTime Transition Time
independentEvents Independent high- or low-flow events
lp3Events Find 2- and 10-year return levels
parameters.list Calculate all characteristic stats from a list of files
plot.compflows Compare residual variability across time periods
plot.ssignal Extract seasonal signal from time series
prepareBaseline Build baseline signal
print.streamflow Create streamflow object
residplot.extreme Plot annual extreme residuals
sigmaeventsplot Plot events by day of the year
sigmaHighFlows Estimate catastrophic flow variability
sigmaLowFlows Estimate catastrophic flow variability
summary.annualnoise Annual noise color
summary.ssignal Extract seasonal signal from time series
summary.streamflow Create streamflow object
sycamore Sycamore Creek Data