allstats | Calculate all characteristic stats for a site |
annualExtremes | Calculate annual extreme flows. |
annualnoise | Annual noise color |
assert.equal.length | Check for equal length inputs |
assert.for.year | Check 'for.year' argument |
assert.numeric.vector | Check for numeric vector |
asStreamflow | Create streamflow object |
circ.s | Estimate directional statistics for one-sigma events |
compare.periods | Compare residual variability across time periods |
etowah | Etowah River Data |
fftmetrics | Summary of spectral anomolies for a specified year. |
fft_metrics | Discrete Fourier Transform Metrics |
filterBaseline | Filter the baseline signal for a given time window |
findMed | Find median value |
fourierAnalysis | Extract seasonal signal from time series |
getFPExt | Flood Pulse Extent (FPExt) |
getHSAF | High Spectral Anomaly Frequency (HSAF) |
getHSAM | High Spectral Anomaly Mangitude (HSAM) |
getIDI | Inter-Draught Interval (IDI) |
getIFI | Inter-Flood Interval (IFI) |
getLSAF | Low Spectral Anomaly Frequency (LSAF) |
getLSAM | Low Spectral Anomaly Mangitude (LSAM) |
getNAA | Net Annual Anomaly (NAA) |
getSignalParts | Signal parts |
getTimingHSAM | Time of occurence of High Spectral Anomaly Magnitude (HSAM) |
getTimingLSAM | Time of occurence of Low Spectral Anomaly Magnitude (LSAM) |
getTransitionTime | Transition Time |
independentEvents | Independent high- or low-flow events |
lp3Events | Find 2- and 10-year return levels |
parameters.list | Calculate all characteristic stats from a list of files |
plot.compflows | Compare residual variability across time periods |
plot.ssignal | Extract seasonal signal from time series |
prepareBaseline | Build baseline signal |
print.streamflow | Create streamflow object |
residplot.extreme | Plot annual extreme residuals |
sigmaeventsplot | Plot events by day of the year |
sigmaHighFlows | Estimate catastrophic flow variability |
sigmaLowFlows | Estimate catastrophic flow variability |
summary.annualnoise | Annual noise color |
summary.ssignal | Extract seasonal signal from time series |
summary.streamflow | Create streamflow object |
sycamore | Sycamore Creek Data |