annualBenchmark | Regress and bends a time series with a lower frequency one |
autoplot.threeRuleSmooth | Plotting disaggR objects |
autoplot.tscomparison | Plotting disaggR objects |
autoplot.twoStepsBenchmark | Plotting disaggR objects |
bflSmooth | Smooth a time series |
distance | Distance computation for disaggregations |
in_disaggr | Comparing a disaggregation with the high-frequency input |
in_revisions | Comparing two disaggregations together |
in_sample | Producing the in sample predictions of a prais-lm regression |
in_scatter | Comparing the inputs of a praislm regression |
plot.threeRuleSmooth | Plotting disaggR objects |
plot.tscomparison | Plotting disaggR objects |
plot.twoStepsBenchmark | Plotting disaggR objects |
rePort | Producing a report |
reUseBenchmark | Using an estimated benchmark model on another time series |
reView | A shiny app to reView and modify twoStepsBenchmarks |
threeRuleSmooth | Bends a time series with a lower frequency one by smoothing their rate |
twoStepsBenchmark | Regress and bends a time series with a lower frequency one |