Direction Analysis for Pathways and Kinases

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Documentation for package ‘directPA’ version 1.5.1

Help Pages

directPA-package Direction Pathway Analysis Package
directExplorer2d Batch Direction Analysis in 2-dimentional space
directPA Direction Analysis for Pathways
geneStats Molecule Level Statistics
HEK Phosphoproteomics of HEK-293E
kinasePA Direction Analysis for Kinases
Pathways.KEGG KEGG pathway annotations
Pathways.reactome Reactome pathway annotations
pathwayStats Pathway Level Statistics
perturbPlot2d Perturbation Plot
perturbPlot3d Perturbation Plot 3D
PhosphoELM.human PhosphoELM annotations for human
PhosphoELM.mouse PhosphoELM annotations for mouse
PhosphoSite.human PhosphoSitePlus annotations for human
PhosphoSite.mouse PhosphoSitePlus annotations for mouse
PM Plasma Membrame Protoemics Data
rotate2d Polar Coordinates Rotation
rotate3d Spherical Coordinates Rotation