installTFpython {digitalDLSorteR}R Documentation

Install Python dependencies for digitalDLSorteR


This is a helper function to install Python dependencies needed: a Python interpreter with TensorFlow Python library and its dependencies. It is performed using the reticulate package and the installer of the tensorflow R package. The available options are virtual or conda environments. The new environment is called digitaldlsorter-env. In any case, this installation can be manually done as it is explained in, but we recommend using this function.


installTFpython(conda = "auto", install.conda = FALSE, miniconda.path = NULL)



Path to a conda executable. Use "auto" (by default) allows reticulate to automatically find an appropriate conda binary.


Boolean indicating if install miniconda automatically using reticulate. If TRUE, conda argument is ignored. FALSE by default.


If install.conda is TRUE, you can set the path where miniconda will be installed. If NULL, conda will find automatically the proper place.


This function is intended to make easier the installation of the requirements needed to use digitalDLSorteR. It will automatically install Miniconda (if wanted, see Parameters) and create an environment called 'digitaldlsorter-env'. If you want to use other python/conda environment, see ?tensorflow::use_condaenv and/or the vignettes.


No return value, called for side effects: installation of conda environment with a Python interpreter and Tensorflow


## Not run: 
notesInstallation <- installTFpython(
  method = "auto", conda = "auto", install.conda = TRUE

## End(Not run)

[Package digitalDLSorteR version 1.0.1 Index]