Metrics of Difference for Comparing Pairs of Maps or Pairs of Variables

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Documentation for package ‘diffeR’ version 0.0-8

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diffeR-package Metrics of Difference for Comparing Pairs of Maps or Pairs of Variables
categoryComponentsPlot Category Components plot
categorySourcesPlot Category Sources plot
composite create a composite matrix
crosstabm create a contingency table between a comparison raster map (rows) and a reference raster map (columns)
diffeR Metrics of Difference for Comparing Pairs of Maps or Pairs of Variables
differenceMR calculates difference metrics between a reference map and a comparison map both consecutively aggregated at multiple resolutions
diffTablej calculates difference metrics at the category level from a square contingency table
MAD Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD)
MADscatterplot MAD scatterplot
memberships produces membership values for each category in the input raster at a specified aggregated resolution
overallComponentsPlot Overall Components plot
overallSourcesPlot Overall Sources plot
sample2pop corrects sample counts to population counts in a square contingency table