zeit_search {diezeit}R Documentation

Search the ZEIT archive


zeit_search exposes a search for ZEIT archive items. You can set search queries, paginate, sort and partially select the fields, that should be returned. Articles, that match your query, are returned with a reduced set of meta data.


zeit_search(endpoint, query, fields, limit = 10, offset = 0, sort,
  print = TRUE)



one of author, content, department, keyword, product or series – provides specific search functionalities.


the main search query; single string value or vector of strings.


partially select output fields, as string value or vector of strings for multiple fields.


limit the amount of matches to return; set to 10 by default.


offset for the list of matches; set to 0 by default.


sort search results by any of the returned fields. Vector of two (c([field], [direction])), giving field and direction keyword. Direction keywords are asc and desc for an ascending or descending sort order respectively. Multiple sort orders are accepted as list of such vectors.


if TRUE (default) the search results are printed.



The API is structured into several endpoints that provide specific functionalities:

author search all authors
content search for content
department search all departments
keyword search all keywords
product search all products
series search all series

Query syntax

You can search the entire article text and all meta data simply by setting the query parameter to your search phrase. The search uses entire strings "as is". To search for multiple tokens use a vector of strings.

All fields of an article can be queried individually by using [field]:[search string]. For example, to get articles that have the word "Kennedy" in their headline, you would search for "title:Kennedy".

Currently all endpoints other than content only support simple search phrases with asterisk (*) wildcards.


A list of matches to the query.




## Not run: 
# simple content search
zeit_search(endpoint="content", query="bayreuth")
zeit_search("content", "bayreuth") # same same

# multiple tokens
zeit_search("content", c("bayreuth", "festspiele"))

# entire string
zeit_search("content", "bayreuther festspiele")

# field query
zeit_search("content", "title:bayreuth")

# partial selection
zeit_search("content", "bayreuth", fields=c("title", "teaser_text"))

# pagination
zeit_search("content", "bayreuth", limit=1) # just one match
zeit_search("content", "bayreuth", limit=1, offset=1) # just the second match

# sorting
zeit_search("content", "bayreuth",
  sort=c("release_date", "asc")) # sort by date
zeit_search("content", "bayreuth",
  sort=list(c("release_date", "desc"), c("title", "asc"))) # sort by date and title

# hide matches
bt.matches <- zeit_search("content", "bayreuth", print=FALSE)

# author search
zeit_search(endpoint="author", query="Stefan Locke")

## End(Not run)

[Package diezeit version 0.1-0 Index]