dietr {dietr} | R Documentation |
Diet Estimated Trophic Levels in R
Estimates fractional trophic level from quantitative and qualitative diet data and calculates electivity indices in R.
Package: dietr
Type: Package
Title: An R package to estimate trophic level from diet and food item data
Version: 1.1.4
Date: 2020-3-3
License: GPL (>= 2)
This package allows users to calculte trophic levels from proportional diet data or from food items given trophic levels of the prey items. This package calculates trophic level following the procedures from TrophLab, which was a Microsoft Access program. This implementation is faster than the original microsoft access program and also allows for a hierarchical estimation of trophic level given a corresponding "taxonomy" data frame (i.e. estimate trophic level for a individual,population,species, etc.). It also contains other functions for measuring electivity indices, compound trophic indices (ex. Feeding Quotient, Index of Preponderance), Vacuity Index, and Gastro-somatic Index.
Samuel Borstein Maintainer: Samuel Borstein <>
See Also