Horn1982 {dietr} | R Documentation |
Raw data from Horn, 1982. Prey consumption and availability are relative abundance by weight of macroalgae species. Note that values do not sum to 1 as dataset only includes macroalgae and not other prey items. See Table 4 and Table 4 in Horn et al., 1982.
A list of length 2 containing two data frames.
Available A data frame with 2 rows and 18 columns containing data on percent weight relative abundance of macroalgae prey availability in two different years.
Consumed A data frame with four rows and 19 columns containing data on percent weight relative abundance of macroalgae prey consumption by two species in two different years.
Data from Horn, 1982 for the diet of two species of Stichaeidae and prey availability over two years.
Horn M, Murray S, and Edwards T. 1982. Dietary selectivity in the field and food preferences in the laboratory for two herbivorous fishes (Cebidichthys violaceus and Xiphister mucosus) from a temperate intertidal zone. Marine Biology 67:237-246.