Dimensional Data Frames

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Documentation for package ‘dibble’ version 0.2.2

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%*% Matrix Multiplication
apply Apply functions over array margins
apply.ddf_col Apply functions over array margins
apply.default Apply functions over array margins
apply.tbl_ddf Apply functions over array margins
as_dibble Coerce an object to a dibble
as_dibble.ddf_col Coerce an object to a dibble
as_dibble.default Coerce an object to a dibble
as_dibble.grouped_df Coerce an object to a dibble
as_dibble.rowwise_df Coerce an object to a dibble
as_dibble.tbl_ddf Coerce an object to a dibble
basic-matrices-arrays Basic matrices and arrays
broadcast Broadcast to a new dimension
broadcast.ddf_col Broadcast to a new dimension
broadcast.default Broadcast to a new dimension
broadcast.tbl_ddf Broadcast to a new dimension
colnames Row and column names
colnames.ddf_col Row and column names
colnames.default Row and column names
colnames.tbl_ddf Row and column names
diag Matrix diagonals
diag.ddf_col Matrix diagonals
diag.default Matrix diagonals
diag.tbl_ddf Matrix diagonals
diag<- Matrix diagonals
diag<-.ddf_col Matrix diagonals
diag<-.default Matrix diagonals
diag<-.tbl_ddf Matrix diagonals
dibble Build a dimensional data frame
dibble_by Constructs a dibble by one or more variables
extremes Maxima and Minima
eye Basic matrices and arrays
eye.ddf_col Basic matrices and arrays
eye.default Basic matrices and arrays
eye.matrix Basic matrices and arrays
eye.tbl_ddf Basic matrices and arrays
ifelse Conditional element selection
ifelse.ddf_col Conditional element selection
ifelse.default Conditional element selection
ifelse.tbl_ddf Conditional element selection
is_dibble Test if the object is a dibble
ncol The number of rows/columns
ncol.ddf_col The number of rows/columns
ncol.default The number of rows/columns
ncol.tbl_ddf The number of rows/columns
nrow The number of rows/columns
nrow-ncol The number of rows/columns
nrow.ddf_col The number of rows/columns
nrow.default The number of rows/columns
nrow.tbl_ddf The number of rows/columns
ones Basic matrices and arrays
ones.array Basic matrices and arrays
ones.ddf_col Basic matrices and arrays
ones.default Basic matrices and arrays
ones.tbl_ddf Basic matrices and arrays
pmax Maxima and Minima
pmax.ddf_col Maxima and Minima
pmax.default Maxima and Minima
pmax.tbl_ddf Maxima and Minima
pmin Maxima and Minima
pmin.ddf_col Maxima and Minima
pmin.default Maxima and Minima
pmin.tbl_ddf Maxima and Minima
row-colnames Row and column names
rownames Row and column names
rownames.ddf_col Row and column names
rownames.default Row and column names
rownames.tbl_ddf Row and column names
zeros Basic matrices and arrays
zeros.array Basic matrices and arrays
zeros.ddf_col Basic matrices and arrays
zeros.default Basic matrices and arrays
zeros.tbl_ddf Basic matrices and arrays