Teasel {diagram}R Documentation

Population dynamics model transition matrix of teasel


Transition matrix of the population dynamics model of teasel (Dipsacus sylvestris), a European perennial weed, as discussed in Caswell (2001), and in Soetaert and Herman, (2009)

The life cycle of teasel can be described by six stages:

The matrix contains the transition probabilities from one compartment (column) to another (row).




matrix with transition probabilities, where element ij denotes transition from compartment j to i

rownames and columnames are the component names


Karline Soetaert <karline.soetaert@nioz.nl>


Caswell, H. 2001. Matrix population models: construction, analysis, and interpretation. Second edition. Sinauer, Sunderland, Mass.

Karline Soetaert and Peter Herman. 2009. A practical guide to ecological modelling. Using R as a simulation platform. Springer.

See Also

Rigaweb, Takapotoweb


curves <- matrix(nrow = ncol(Teasel), ncol = ncol(Teasel), 0)
curves[3,1] <- curves[1,6] <- -0.35
curves[4,6] <- curves[6,4] <- curves[5,6] <- curves[6,5] <- 0.08
curves[3,6] <- 0.35
plotmat(Teasel, pos = c(3, 2, 1), curve = curves, lwd = 1, box.lwd = 2,
        cex.txt = 0.8, box.cex = 0.8, box.size = 0.08, arr.length = 0.5,
        box.type = "circle", box.prop = 1, shadow.size = 0.01,
        self.cex = 0.6, my = -0.075, mx = -0.01, relsize = 0.9,
        self.shifty = 0, self.shiftx = c(0, 0, 0.125, -0.12, 0.125, 0),
        main = "Dispsacus sylvestris")

[Package diagram version 1.6.5 Index]