Jordan {dhsage} | R Documentation |
The data represent the number of women of reproductive age in Jordan
The function provides the number of women of reproductive age 15-49 in Jordan based on the demographic health survey of 1990, 1997, 2002, 2007, 2009, 2012 and 2017.
jord_2017 |
A vector of (non-negative) count values. |
jord_2012 |
A vector of (non-negative) count values. |
jord_2009 |
A vector of (non-negative) count values. |
jord_2007 |
A vector of (non-negative) count values. |
jord_2002 |
A vector of (non-negative) count values. |
jord_1997 |
A vector of (non-negative) count values. |
jord_1990 |
A vector of (non-negative) count values. |
According to the 1990, 1997, 2002, 2007, 2009, 2012, and 2017 demographic health surveys, the function provides the Jordanian number of women between the ages of 15 and 49.
jord_1990, jord_1997, jord_2002, jord_2007, jord_2009, jord_2012 and jord_2017 give the number of women of reproductive age 15-49 in Jordan.
Muhammad Imran
R implementation and documentation: Muhammad Imran
Department of Statistics (DOS) and ICF. 2019. Jordan Population and Family and Health Survey 2017-18. Amman, Jordan, and Rockville, Maryland, USA: DOS and ICF.
Department of Statistics [Jordan] and ICF International. 2013. Jordan Population and Family Health Survey 2012. Calverton, Maryland, USA: Department of Statistics and ICF International.
Department of Statistics [Jordan] and ICF Macro. 2010. Jordan Population and Family Health Survey 2009. Calverton, Maryland, USA: Department of Statistics and ICF Macro.
Department of Statistics [Jordan] and Macro International Inc. 2008. Jordan Population and Family Health Survey 2007. Calverton, Maryland, USA: Department of Statistics and Macro International Inc.
Department of Statistics [Jordan] and ORC Macro. 2003. Jordan Population and Family Health Survey 2002. Calverton, Maryland, USA: Department of Statistics and ORC Macro.
Department of Statistics (DOS) [Jordan] and Macro International Inc. (MI). 1998. Jordan Population and Family Health Survey 1997. Calverton, Maryland: DOS and MI.
Abdel Aziz Zoubi, Abdallah, Sri Poedjastoeti, and Mohamed Ayad. 1992. Jordan Population and Family Health Survey 1990. Columbia, Maryland, USA: Department of Statistics/Jordan, Ministry of Health/Jordan, and IRD/Macro International.
See Also
x <- jord_2017
# starting age 23 and ending age 62
heaping(x, 23, 62)
# starting age 15 and ending age 49
heaping(x, 15, 49)