shewhart {dfphase1}R Documentation

Univariate Shewhart-type control charts


shewhart computes, and, optionally, plots, Shewhart-type Phase I control charts for detecting changes in location and scale of univariate subgrouped data.

shewhart.normal.limits pre-computes the corresponding control limits when the in-control distribution is normal.


shewhart(x, subset, 
         stat = c("XbarS", "Xbar", "S", 
                  "Rank", "lRank", "sRank",
                  "Lepage", "Cucconi"),
         aggregation = c("mean", "median"), 
         plot = TRUE, 
         FAP = 0.05,
         seed = 11642257, 
         L = 1000, 
         limits = NA)

shewhart.normal.limits(n, m, 
                       stat = c("XbarS", "Xbar", "S", 
                                "Rank", "lRank", "sRank", 
                                "Lepage", "Cucconi"),
                       aggregation = c("mean", "median"), 
                       FAP = 0.05,
                       seed = 11642257, 
                       L = 100000)



a nxm data numeric matrix (n observations gathered at m time points).


an optional vector specifying a subset of subgroups/time points to be used


character: the control statistic[s] to use; see Details.


character: it specify how to aggregate the subgroup means and standard deviations. Used only when stat is XbarS, Xbar or S.


logical; if TRUE, control statistic[s] is[are] displayed.


numeric (between 0 and 1): desired false alarm probability. Unused by shewhart when limits is not NA.


positive integer; if not NA, the RNG's state is resetted using seed. The current .Random.seed will be preserved. Unused by shewhart when limits is not NA.


positive integer: number of random permutations used to compute the control limits. Unused by shewhart when limits is not NA.


numeric: a precomputed vector of control limits. The vector should contain (A,B1,B2)(A,B_1,B_2) when stat=XbarS, (A)(A) when stat=Xbar, (B1,B2)(B_1,B_2) when stat=S, (C,D)(C,D) when stat=Rank, (C)(C) when stat=lRank, (D)(D) when stat=sRank, and (E)(E) when stat=Lepage or stat=Cucconi. See Details for the definition of the critical values AA, B1B_1, B2B_2, CC, DD and EE.


integer: size of each subgroup (number of observations gathered at each time point).


integer: number of subgroups (time points).


The implemented control charts are:


shewhart returns an invisible list with elements


subgroup means; this element is present only if stat is XbarS or Xbar.


subgroup standard deviation; this element is present only if stat is XbarS or S.


rank-based control statistics for detecting changes in location; this element is present only if stat is Rank or lRank.


rank-based control-statistics for detecting changes in scale; this element is present only if stat is Rank or sRank.

Lepage, W2, AB2

Lepage, squared Wilcoxon and squared Ansari-Bradley statistics; these elements are present only if stat is Lepage.

Cucconi, lCucconi, sCucconi

Cucconi control statistic and its location and scale components; these elements are present only if stat is Cucconi.


control limits.

center, scale

estimates μ^\hat{\mu} and σ^\hat{\sigma} of the in-control mean and standard deviation; these elements are present only if stat is XbarS, Xbar and S.

stat, L, aggregation, FAP, seed

input arguments.

shewhart.normal.limits returns a numeric vector containing the limits.


  1. If argument limits is NA, shewhart computes the control limits by permutation. The resulting control chart are distribution-free.

  2. Pre-computed limits, such as those computed using shewhart.normal.limits, are not recommended when stat is XbarS, Xbar or S. Indeed, the resulting control chart will not be distribution-free.

  3. When stat is Rank, lRank, sRank, Lepage or Cucconi the control limits computed by shewhart.normal.limits are distribution-free in the class of all univariate continuous distributions. So, if user plan to apply rank-based control charts on a repeated number of samples of the same size, pre-computing the control limits using mshewhart.normal.limits can reduce the overall computing time.


Giovanna Capizzi and Guido Masarotto.


L. A. Jones-Farmer, V. Jordan, C. W. Champs (2009) “Distribution-free Phase I control charts for subgroup location”, Journal of Quality Technology, 41, pp. 304–316, doi:10.1080/00224065.2009.11917784.

L. A. Jones-Farmer, C. W. Champ (2010) “A distribution-free Phase I control chart for subgroup scale”. Journal of Quality Technology, 42, pp. 373–387, doi:10.1080/00224065.2010.11917834

C. Li, A. Mukherjee, Q. Su (2019) “A distribution-free Phase I monitoring scheme for subgroup location and scale based on the multi-sample Lepage statistic”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 129, pp. 259–273, doi:10.1016/j.cie.2019.01.013

C. Li, A. Mukherjee, M. Marozzi (2020) “A new distribution-free Phase-I procedure for bi-aspect monitoring based on the multi-sample Cucconi statistic”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 149, doi:10.1016/j.cie.2020.106760

D. C. Montgomery (2009) Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6th edn. Wiley.

P. Qiu (2013) Introduction to Statistical Process Control. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press.


# A simulated example
y <- matrix(rt(100,3),5)
y[,20] <- y[,20]+3
shewhart(y, stat="Rank")
shewhart(y, stat="Lepage")
shewhart(y, stat="Cucconi")
# Reproduction of the control chart shown
# by Jones-Farmer et. al. (2009)
u <- shewhart.normal.limits(NROW(colonscopy),NCOL(colonscopy), 
                            stat="lRank", FAP=0.1, L=10000)
# In Jones-Farmer et al. (2009) is estimated as 2.748
# Examples of control limits for comparisons
# with Li et al. (2019) and (2020) but
# using a limited number of Monte Carlo
# replications
# Lepage: in Li et al. (2019) is estimated as 11.539
shewhart.normal.limits(5, 25, stat="Lepage", L=10000)
# Cucconi: in Li et al. (2020) is estimated as 0.266
shewhart.normal.limits(5, 25, stat="Cucconi", L=10000)

[Package dfphase1 version 1.2.0 Index]