CML and Bayesian Calibration of Multistage Tests

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Documentation for package ‘dexterMST’ version 0.9.6

Help Pages

dexterMST-package DexterMST: CML calibration and data management for multi stage tests
add_booklet_mst Add multistage response data
add_item_properties_mst Add item properties to an dextermst project
add_person_properties_mst Add person properties to a mst project
add_response_data_mst Add multistage response data
add_scoring_rules_mst add scoring rules to an mst project
alter_scoring_rules_mst alter scoring rules in an mst project
close_mst_project Close an mst project
create_mst_project create a new (empty) mst project
create_mst_test Define a new multi stage test
design_plot Plot the routing design of mst tests
dexterMST DexterMST: CML calibration and data management for multi stage tests
DIF_mst Exploratory test for Differential Item Functioning
fit_enorm_mst Fit the extended nominal response model on MST data
fit_inter_mst Fit the interaction model on a single multi-stage booklet
get_booklets_mst retrieve information from a mst database
get_design_mst retrieve information from a mst database
get_items_mst retrieve information from a mst database
get_persons_mst retrieve information from a mst database
get_responses_mst Extract response data from a dexterMST database
get_routing_rules_mst retrieve information from a mst database
get_scoring_rules_mst retrieve information from a mst database
import_from_dexter import data from a dexter project
mst_rules Define routing rules
open_mst_project open an existing mst project
plot.DIF_stats_mst plot method for DIF_mst
plot.im_mst plots for the interaction model
profile_tables_mst Profile analysis
sim_mst Simulate multistage testing data