Tools to Make Developing R Packages Easier

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Documentation for package ‘devtools’ version 2.4.5

Help Pages

bash Open bash shell in package directory.
build Build package
build_manual Create package pdf manual
build_readme Build a Rmarkdown files package
build_rmd Build a Rmarkdown files package
build_site Execute 'pkgdown' build_site in a package
build_vignettes Build package vignettes.
check Build and check a package
check_built Build and check a package
check_mac_release Check macOS package
check_man Check documentation, as R CMD check does.
check_rhub Run CRAN checks for package on R-hub
check_win Build windows binary package.
check_win_devel Build windows binary package.
check_win_oldrelease Build windows binary package.
check_win_release Build windows binary package.
clean_vignettes Clean built vignettes.
create Create a package
dev_mode Activate and deactivate development mode.
dev_sitrep Report package development situation
document Use roxygen to document a package.
install Install a local development package.
install_deps Install package dependencies if needed.
install_dev_deps Install package dependencies if needed.
lint Lint all source files in a package
load_all Load complete package
missing_s3 Find missing s3 exports.
release Release package to CRAN.
reload Unload and reload package.
run_examples Run all examples in a package.
save_all Save all documents in an active IDE session.
show_news Show package news
source_gist Run a script on gist
source_url Run a script through some protocols such as http, https, ftp, etc.
spell_check Spell checking
test Execute testthat tests in a package
test_active_file Execute testthat tests in a package
test_coverage Execute testthat tests in a package
test_coverage_active_file Execute testthat tests in a package
uninstall Uninstall a local development package
wd Set working directory.