det2 {detpack}R Documentation

Density Estimation for Bivariate Data Based on Distribution Element Trees


Two-dimensional piecewise linear or constant probability density estimator based on distribution element trees (DETs).


det2(dta, mode = 2, bounds = list(NA, NA), alphag = 0.001,
  alphad = 0.001, main = NULL, nc = 20, dtalim = Inf, cores = 1,
  color = grDevices::colorRamp(c("white", "black")))



matrix with two rows containing data (samples in columns).


order of distribution elements applied, default is mode = 2. Use +/-1 for constant or +/-2 for linear elements. mode > 0 and mode < 0 lead to equal-size and -score splits, respectively, in the element-refinement process.


list(lb,ub), where lb and ub are vectors representing the lower and upper bounds of the probability space. If both bounds are set to NA (default) or 0, the bounds are determined based on the data dta. Additionally, if the bounds are set to 0, pre-whitening is not applied to the data.

alphag, alphad

significance levels for goodness-of-fit and independence tests, respectively, in element refinement or splitting process. Default is alphag = alphad = 1.0e-3.


an overall plot title, see title. If main = NULL (default), the density range is provided as a title.


number of contour levels (default is 20).


allows to limit the number of samples used in tests guiding the element splitting process. Default is dtalim = Inf, which corresponds to using all available samples, see det.construct.


number of cores for parallel tree construction. Default is cores = 1 for serial processing, see cores in det.construct.


function to assign plot colors that is generated, e.g., by colorRamp. color returns a color based on an argument in [0,1].


## uniform
det2(rbind(runif(5e3),1+2*runif(5e3)), mode = 1, bounds = list(c(-0.1,0),c(1.1,4)))
det2(rbind(1:100,101:200+runif(100)), mode = 2) # data on a line

## Gaussian
require(stats); require(graphics); require(grDevices)
n <- 5e3; x <- rnorm(n)
x <- matrix(c(x, x+rnorm(n,0,0.5)), ncol = 2)
color = colorRamp(c("#FFFFFF","#E6E680","#E6BF1A",
screen(3); plot(x, type = "p", pch = ".", main = "data")
screen(1); det2(t(x), mode = 1, main = "constant det estimator", color = color)
screen(2); det2(t(x), main = "linear det estimator", color = color)
det2(t(x), mode = 1, bounds = list(0,0), main = "const. det, no pre-white", color = color)

[Package detpack version 1.1.3 Index]