qlr.test {desk}R Documentation

Quandt Likelihood Ratio-Test for Structural Breaks in any Parameter with Unknown Break Date


Performs Quandt Likelihood Ratio-test (QLR) for structural breaks with unknown break date. The object returned by this command can be plotted using the plot() function.


qlr.test(mod, data = list(), from, to, sig.level = 0.05, details = FALSE)



the regular model object (without dummies) estimated by ols() or lm().


name of the data frame to be used if mod is only a formula.


start period of range to be analyzed for a break.


end period of range to be analyzed for a break.


significance level. Allowed values are 0.01, 0.05 or 0.10.


logical value indicating whether specific details about the test should be returned.


A list object including:

hyp the null-hypothesis to be tested.
results data frame of test results.
chi2.stats chi^2-test statistics calculated between from and to.
f.stats F-test statistics calculated between from and to.
f.crit lower and upper critical F-value.
p.value p-value in the test using approximation method proposed by Hansen (1997).
breakpoint period at which largest F-value occurs.
periods the range of periods analyzed.
lf.crit lower and upper critical F-value including corresponding lambda values.
lambda the lambda correction value for the critical value.


Quandt, R.E. (1960): Tests of the Hypothesis That a Linear Regression Obeys Two Separate Regimes. Journal of the American Statistical Association 55, 324–30.


unemp.est <- ols(unempl ~ gdp, data = data.unempl)
my.qlr <- qlr.test(unemp.est, from = 13, to = 17, details = TRUE)
my.qlr # Print test results

plot(my.qlr) # Plot test results

[Package desk version 1.1.1 Index]