{desk}R Documentation

Expenditures of the EU-25


This is a data set on the shares of total EU-expenditures received by the individual member states of the EU-25 in 2005. Furthermore, the data describe some relevant characteristics (population share, gross domestic product, etc.) of these member states.



A data frame with 25 observations on the following seven variables:

member EU member state.
expend share of EU-expenditures received by the member state.
pop member state's population share of the total EU-25-population.
gdp index relating the member state's per capita income to the average EU-25 per capita income, adjusted for different national price levels.
farm ratio of the member state's gross value added in agriculture to the member state's gross domestic product.
votes the member state's voting share in the Council of Ministers.
mship logarithm of the number of months that the member state is part of the EU.


Imported 2007 from the Website of the EU commission and Eurostat. Published by Auer (2008).


Auer, L.v. (2008): Gestaltungspolitik oder Kuhhandel? Eine empirische Analyse der EU-Ausgabenpolitik, in H. Gischer, P. Reichling, T. Spengler, A. Wenig (eds.), Transformation in der Oekonomie - Festschrift fuer Gerhard Schwoediauer zum 65. Geburtstag, Gabler.

Auer, L.v., Hoffmann, S. & Kranz, T. (2023): Ökonometrie - Das R-Arbeitsbuch, 2nd ed., Springer-Gabler (

[Package desk version 1.1.1 Index]