create.gain {deseats} | R Documentation |
Create Gain Function from a Linear Time Series Filter
This function takes a coefficient series of a linear time series filter as an input and then returns the corresponding gain function as an R function.
create.gain(filter.coefs = c(1), = ceiling(length(filter.coefs)/2))
filter.coefs |
a numeric vector with the filter coefficients ordered by coefficient index; see details for more info. | |
a numeric vector of length one that indicates the position
of the coefficient for the present observation in |
This is a functional. The function returns a function that
represents the gain function for the input filter
. The returned function only has the
argument lambda
, which is the frequency for which
the value of the gain function should be obtained.
Let be the input series and
the linear filter;
then the element
is the weight assigned to
. The
corresponding index
is important for the order of the argument
The function returns a "gain function" function that has the numeric
argument lambda
only that represents frequencies to calculate
the values of the gain function for.
Dominik Schulz (Research Assistant) (Department of Economics, Paderborn University),
Author and Package Creator
# Moving average with smoothing over three values
a <- 1 / 3
gain_ma <- create.gain(rep(a, 3))
lambda <- seq(0, 0.5, 0.001)
GF <- gain_ma(lambda)
plot(lambda, GF, type = "l")
# First differences filter
b <- c(1, -1)
gain_diff <- create.gain(b)
lambda <- seq(0, 0.5, 0.001)
GF2 <- gain_diff(lambda)
plot(lambda, GF2, type = "l")
# For a fully data-driven local linear trend +
# trigonometric polynomial seasonality
# (Note: we get various filters for different observation time points)
est <- deseats(log(xt), set_options(order_poly = 3))
ws <- est@weights[, , "Combined"]
l <- (length(ws[, 1]) - 1) / 2
lambda <- seq(0, 0.5, 0.001)
mat <- matrix(0, ncol = length(lambda), nrow = l + 1)
colF <- colorRampPalette(c("deepskyblue4", "deepskyblue"))
cols <- colF(l)
for (j in 1:(l + 1)) {
gainF <- create.gain(ws[j, ], = j)
mat[j, ] <- gainF(lambda)
matplot(lambda, t(mat), type = paste0(rep("l", l + 1), collapse = ""),
lty = rep(1, l + 1), col = cols)
main = paste0(
"Gain functions for the applied data-driven locally weighted ",
"regression\napproach at boundary points and the first interior ",
# Same example as before but not for the trend but for the detrending filters
# (Note: we get various filters for different observation time points)
ll <- l * 2 + 1
mat2 <- mat
for (j in 1:(l + 1)) {
zero.vec <- rep(0, ll)
zero.vec[[j]] <- 1
gainF <- create.gain(zero.vec - ws[j, ], = j)
mat2[j, ] <- gainF(lambda)
matplot(lambda, t(mat2), type = paste0(rep("l", l + 1), collapse = ""),
lty = rep(1, l + 1), col = cols)
main = paste0(
"Gain functions for the applied data-driven detrending filter\n",
"at boundary points and the first interior ",