Produce Descriptive and Comparative Tables Easily

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Documentation for package ‘desctable’ version 0.3.0

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ANOVA Wrapper for oneway.test(var.equal = T) method for desctable
chisq.test Pearson's Chi-squared Test for Count Data
chisq.test.default Pearson's Chi-squared Test for Count Data
chisq.test.formula Pearson's Chi-squared Test for Count Data
datatable Create an HTML table widget using the DataTables library
datatable.default Create an HTML table widget using the DataTables library
datatable.desctable Create an HTML table widget using the DataTables library
desctable Generate a statistics table
desctable.default Generate a statistics table
desctable.grouped_df Generate a statistics table
desc_output desc_output
desc_table Generate a statistics table Generate a statistics table
desc_table.default Generate a statistics table
desc_table.grouped_df Generate a statistics table
desc_tests Add tests to a desc_table
fisher.test Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data
fisher.test.default Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data
fisher.test.formula Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data
IQR Return the inter-quartile range
is.normal Test if distribution is normal
no.test No test
pander.desctable Pander method for desctable
percent Return the percentages for the levels of a factor
print.desctable Print method for desctable
stats_auto Function to create a list of statistics to use in desctable
stats_default Define a list of default statistics
stats_nonnormal Define a list of default statistics
stats_normal Define a list of default statistics
tests_auto Function to choose a statistical test