Descriptive Statistics

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Documentation for package ‘descr’ version 1.1.8

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compmeans Means of a numerical vector according to a factor
crosstab Cross tabulation with mosaic plot
CrossTable Cross tabulation with tests for factor independence
data.frame2txt Export a data.frame and create scripts to input the data again.
descr Summary of an object
file.head Prints first lines of a file.
forODFTable Convert an object of class CrossTable into a matrix for odfTable
freq Frequency table
fromUTF8 Conversion from UTF-8 encoding
fwf2csv Fast conversion of a fwf file into a csv one
histkdnc Histogram with kernel density and normal curve
labels2R Conversion of specially written text file into R code
LogRegR2 Pseudo R2 of logistic regression
plot.CrossTable Mosaic plot from object of class CrossTable
plot.freqtable Bar plot from object of class freqtable
toUTF8 Conversion to UTF-8 encoding
xtable.CrossTable CrossTable method for xtable