Density Estimation via Bayesian Inference Engines

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Documentation for package ‘densEstBayes’ version 1.0-2.2

Help Pages

checkChains Check Markov chain Monte Carlo samples
densEstBayes Density estimation via Bayesian inference engines
densEstBayes.control Controlling density estimation via Bayesian inference engines
densEstBayesVignette Display the package's vignette.
dMarronWand Marron and Wand density function
incomeUK Incomes of United Kingdom citizens
OldFaithful2011 Intervals between geyser eruptions
plot.densEstBayes Plot the Bayesian density estimate from a 'densEstBayes()' fit
predict.densEstBayes Obtain the Bayesian density estimate from a 'densEstBayes()' fit at new abscissae
rMarronWand Marron and Wand random sample